Grand Huangshan Shines on the International Stage in Paris

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From September 17 to 19, 2024, the International Tourism Industry Expo in Paris opened at the Versailles Gate Exhibition Center in France. Grand Huangshan, a world-class leisure, vacation, and wellness tourism destination, made a stunning debut, attracting travel merchants and visitors from various countries to the Anhui booth for inquiries and discussions. Wang Jing, Deputy Director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, attended the opening ceremony of the China Pavilion and delivered a speech. Ambassador Lu Shaye and Minister Chen Li from the Chinese Embassy in France visited the Anhui booth, offering high praise. The unique Anhui cultural and tourism promotion captivated travel merchants and visitors alike, while the promotional video "Encounter Grand Huangshan" showcased the region's unique charm. Classic performances of Huangmei Opera’s "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl" and a tea ceremony demonstration won widespread acclaim. Key cultural and tourism representatives from Lu’an and Shou County also delivered presentations at the event.


On September 18, the 2024 Anhui Culture and Tourism (Paris) Exchange and Promotion Event was grandly held at the Peony Pavilion of the European Satellite TV Paris Cultural Exchange Center. The event, hosted by Wang Jing, Deputy Director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, gathered cultural and tourism elites from both China and France to explore international opportunities for Anhui's tourism development. The highlight of the event was the promotion of Grand Huangshan as a world-class leisure, vacation, and wellness tourism destination.

UNWTO Special Advisor Boucher Hollier Marie-Pierre and former Secretary General of the French Tourism Development Agency Boulandraud Jean Louis both expressed admiration for Anhui's tourism resources and culture, eagerly anticipating future visits to the province.

This promotion not only enhanced Anhui’s international presence but also established a new platform for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, solidifying Anhui’s position as an international tourist destination. By integrating culture, wellness, and tourism, Anhui is focused on developing Grand Huangshan into a world-class destination, inviting more people to discover its unique cultural and natural beauty.



Media Contact:

Company Name:Anhui Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Contact Person:Cheng Longcan



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