“Grand Huangshan” Shines at the United Nations

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The "Wonderful Anhui in Dialogue with the World" 2024 Anhui Cultural and Tourism Promotion Conference was held on September 16 at the Palais des Nations, United Nations Office at Geneva. More than 100 diplomats, including ambassadors from over 30 countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Cuba, along with representatives from various United Nations agencies, were present at the event.

Keynote speakers at the event included Sun Yong, Vice Governor of Anhui Province; Ambassador Chen Xu, China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland; and Francesco Pisano, Chairman of the United Nations Cultural Committee in Geneva. The conference was chaired by Wang Chunming, Deputy Secretary-General of the Anhui Provincial Government.


The event highlighted Anhui's efforts to integrate culture, wellness, and tourism to establish the Grand Huangshan region as a world-class destination for leisure, vacations, and wellness tourism. This initiative aims not only to preserve cultural heritage but also to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive global future. The promotion event underscored Anhui's charm and energy, demonstrating the power of culture in fostering international cooperation and friendship. Anhui looks forward to strengthening collaboration with the United Nations and countries worldwide in cultural exchange and shared development.

Zhou Mingjie, Director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, introduced the world-class leisure, vacation, and wellness tourism offerings in the Grand Huangshan region to the gathered diplomats. Wang Huixiao, Director of the Anhui Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, promoted Anhui's wellness and health industries.

During the event, artisans from three renowned Anhui tea companies—Xie Yuda, Liubaili, and Tianzhihong—showcased Huangshan Maofeng, Taiping Houkui, and Qimen Black Tea. Guests were also gifted traditional Hui-style fish lanterns, offering them a glimpse of Anhui’s cultural heritage and unique Chinese elegance.

Additionally, the "Wonderful Anhui in Dialogue with the World" 2024 Anhui Cultural and Tourism Promotion Symposium was successfully held on September 12 at the European Travel Commission in Brussels, Belgium.


Media Contact:

Company Name:Anhui Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Contact Person:Cheng Longcan




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