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------- 對我而言,英文語境別有一番韻味。以下為我將文章以英文呈現:

I find myself wielding a cat teaser wand, trying hard to grab the chubby orange cat’s attention. His name is Bob, a 7-year-old orange cat rescued by a friend of Entrepreneur. At this moment, he lies on the floor, seemingly indifferent as he gazes at the dangling object hanging in front of him. I’m sprawled on the sofa, vigorously waving the cat teaser wand, my arms aching from the exertion. Playing with a cat is truly a labor-intensive and thankless endeavor. If I were to observe myself from a third-person perspective, I would likely find it quite amusing—here I am, exhausting myself in an attempt to entertain a creature that appears utterly uninterested. Ensuring that a cat gets enough exercise in such a small apartment is no small feat. Just moments ago, I engaged him with a laser pointer; he is incredibly sensitive to that elusive light spot and goes wild chasing it around, his primal hunting instincts igniting in an instant. However, the laser pointer is a double-edged sword; while it can easily excite cats, if they are unable to catch their “prey,” it may lead to feelings of frustration and despair. To prevent them from sinking into melancholy, it’s crucial to transition to physical toys (like the teaser wand) after the laser play session, allowing the cat to experience the satisfaction of actually catching something—this completes the playtime cycle.


Having grown up in a household with dogs, I am intimately familiar with their habits and have a clearer understanding of what dog ownership entails. After my two experiences caring for Bob, I have certainly felt the soothing presence that cats can offer; however, I have also come to realize that while I may identify as an introvert, compared to being a "cat person," I am undoubtedly more suited to being a "dog person." Isn’t it delightful to go out for walks together and exhaust ourselves together? Why must we spend each day at home wearing each other down? If I were ever to adopt a cat, living in a multi-story home and having at least two cats so they could chase one another and exhaust themselves in joyful play would be more of an ideal scenario. 

Caring for a cat does not require any less time than caring for a dog; morning and evening routines involve not only feeding and cleaning the litter box but also providing companionship through play and affection—time commitments that can easily add up to three hours or more each day. After my last stint caring for Bob, I initially thought that I would never want to take on such responsibilities again. Yet, on the morning after his owner returned and my obligation was lifted, I suddenly felt an unexpected emptiness washing over me when I realized that I no longer had that commitment, and how I longed to see that little cutie again. Perhaps this is what it feels like raising children—a sudden sense of inner void after 18 years of labor and concern. It seems I can now understand the anxieties that parents face after their children leave home; just one week of caregiving has fostered such attachment within me—how much more profound must it be after 18 years of daily companionship?


But I must admit that Bob is truly more akin to a dog than your typical cat. I always believed that cats were meant to be fiercely independent and aloof—like roommates who coexist without interference. Yet Bob defies this stereotype; every day when I come to feed him, it feels as though he craves companionship more than sustenance. As I sat at my desk using my laptop, he perched beside me on the chair with his big green eyes fixed intently upon me, occasionally letting out soft meows or scratching at the edge of the chair until he found just the right moment to leap onto my lap and settled comfortably there while gazing up at me with trustful eyes. As I stroked him gently and immersed myself in our shared gaze filled with warmth and affection, I marveled at how this cat can be so incredibly loving; I've never encountered such an affectionate feline before. Yet after merely three minutes of this tender connection, he leaped down and sauntered off to pursue his own interests as if nothing significant had transpired.

So after all, it’s all just me - my sentiments were perhaps just overly romanticized. He is, after all, just a cat.


晚上10點,創業家還坐在書桌前緊盯著大螢幕,手指在鍵盤上飛舞。他在等另外一個可能的投資人的term sheet。這個位於舊金山的投資人本來說晚上8點前會給他回覆,拖到9點,結果到現在10點了還是杳無音信。這種焦躁感應該就跟面試等offer的感覺很像、只是再更放大個100倍。
晚上10點,創業家還坐在書桌前緊盯著大螢幕,手指在鍵盤上飛舞。他在等另外一個可能的投資人的term sheet。這個位於舊金山的投資人本來說晚上8點前會給他回覆,拖到9點,結果到現在10點了還是杳無音信。這種焦躁感應該就跟面試等offer的感覺很像、只是再更放大個100倍。
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天邊的溫陽,終而復始,就能廣亮四方。一隻流浪貓經過我家門前,腳一跛一跛的難行,仍不改堅韌地走遍四野。隨後老公一開門,橘子(貓)就衝飛出去,我急忙去追牠,只見牠蹲低姿態悄悄溜過,閃過了多少危機,彷彿在教育人,出門在外就要低心下氣,也保障了生命安全。 閒不容緩地奔往店裡,阿姨面有難色地講說,「煩惱很多
為貓奴者,最大的噩夢莫過於主子被伺候得龍心大悅,哪天啣來一隻死老鼠丟在你面前作為獎賞,看你一臉嫌悪,牠還以為你嫌棄禮物太小,下次抓一隻更大的來。 女兒養的一隻黑貓天生自帶面罩,被賜名Batman,但這Batman 卻不是暗黑系性格,而是和善親人,尤其對萬事抱持好奇之心、對萬物平等以待。
2016/10/23-10/29 兩個多月前,兒子和妻子從微笑公園撿回來一隻剛出生沒多久的小貓,由於到處拉屎拉尿,現在成了煩人的事。妻子說:「我以為貓好養,怎麼知道讓牠過好日子之後,就沒規矩!怎麼會撿一個貓小孩回來」…。   小貓心想:「我怎麼會被一個沒養貓經驗的人撿回來!我本來以
天邊的溫陽,終而復始,就能廣亮四方。一隻流浪貓經過我家門前,腳一跛一跛的難行,仍不改堅韌地走遍四野。隨後老公一開門,橘子(貓)就衝飛出去,我急忙去追牠,只見牠蹲低姿態悄悄溜過,閃過了多少危機,彷彿在教育人,出門在外就要低心下氣,也保障了生命安全。 閒不容緩地奔往店裡,阿姨面有難色地講說,「煩惱很多
為貓奴者,最大的噩夢莫過於主子被伺候得龍心大悅,哪天啣來一隻死老鼠丟在你面前作為獎賞,看你一臉嫌悪,牠還以為你嫌棄禮物太小,下次抓一隻更大的來。 女兒養的一隻黑貓天生自帶面罩,被賜名Batman,但這Batman 卻不是暗黑系性格,而是和善親人,尤其對萬事抱持好奇之心、對萬物平等以待。
2016/10/23-10/29 兩個多月前,兒子和妻子從微笑公園撿回來一隻剛出生沒多久的小貓,由於到處拉屎拉尿,現在成了煩人的事。妻子說:「我以為貓好養,怎麼知道讓牠過好日子之後,就沒規矩!怎麼會撿一個貓小孩回來」…。   小貓心想:「我怎麼會被一個沒養貓經驗的人撿回來!我本來以