歐洲鐵路蠻常會因為各種原因延誤的,這時候使用Eurail Pass的人別忘記可以去申請賠償的~
根據官方的說明只要延誤超過60分鐘就可以申請,延誤60至119分鐘的賠償金額為12歐元,120分鐘或以上的賠償金額為24歐元(不含預訂或產生的其他費用)。賠償將透過銀行轉帳方式用歐元支付。最高賠償金額不超過Eurail Pass價格的50%。
官方延誤賠償申請連結 https://www.eurail.com/zh/help/delay-compensation
- Screenshot of your itinerary overview in the 'My Trip' section of the app, showing that specific journey and date.
- Screenshot of the daily ticket from the 'My Pass' section, including the journey details (with QR code, both top and bottom half). Please provide us with a screenshot of the ticket for the travel day(s) on which you experienced the train delay/cancellation. The tickets of the travel days can be found by going to the "My Pass" section and clicking on "show ticket" for that/those day/s. Please make sure you send this screenshot for all the Passes you are requesting a compensation for.
- Proof of delay or cancellation (if there is any). This can be anything you may have received from the ticket inspector, the ticket office, per email notification or pictures/screenshots of the train delay boards at the station or of push-notifications.
- The booking number of the reservation/s affected and booked with us (starts with R20). If not booked with us, kindly share the receipt and the ticket/s with us.