Problem Analysis:
Many people attach LED strip lights directly to light troughs to save costs or simplify the process. This approach often results in uneven light output, creating distracting streaks. Additionally, the direct contact between the LED strip lights and the light trough limits heat dissipation, shortening the lifespan of the LED strip lights and potentially causing safety hazards.
Recommended Solution:
LED strip lights should be installed using aluminum profiles within the light troughs. Aluminum profiles provide excellent heat dissipation and ensure that the strip lights remain straight for even light distribution. This method also enhances the neatness of the light troughs, elevating the overall interior design aesthetics.
Problem Analysis:
Light strips require transformers/power supplies to function, but their power and length determine the specifications of the transformers/power supplies needed. Selecting the wrong transformer/power supply can lead to insufficient brightness or overheating, posing risks to the electrical system.
Recommended Solution:
Always consult professional interior designers or lighting specialists to calculate the power requirements of the light strips accurately. Ensure the specifications and quantities of transformers/power supplies match the lighting design to guarantee stable power supply and optimal performance.
Problem Analysis:
It is common to place multiple transformers/power supplies together in a ceiling or electrical box to save space. However, failing to label which transformer/power supplies correspond to which lighting fixture can complicate future maintenance and increase the risk of operational errors.
Recommended Solution:
Label each transformer/power supply with its corresponding lighting fixture or location to simplify future maintenance and repairs. Alternatively, distribute the transformers/power supplies closer to their respective fixtures to minimize wiring lengths and improve installation efficiency.
Problem Analysis:
Pendant lights installed too high in dining areas often result in scattered lighting that fails to effectively illuminate the dining table. This not only impacts the visual focus but also diminishes the overall aesthetic and functionality of the space.
Recommended Solution:
The recommended height for pendant lights in dining areas is approximately 750mm to 800mm from the bottom of the light to the tabletop, with some preferring around 1000mm depending on personal preference. Ensure the installation height aligns with the renovation style and practical requirements for an ideal lighting arrangement.
Problem Analysis:
If Light strips are loosely placed in light troughs without being secured, they can shift due to gravity or vibrations, leading to uneven light distribution or damage. This also complicates future maintenance.
Recommended Solution:
LED strip lights should be stretched straight and secured using aluminum profiles before being placed in the light troughs. This ensures even lighting, improves heat dissipation, and extends the lifespan of the light strips. Professional installation also enhances the quality of the renovation, adding a sophisticated touch to the space.
Problem Analysis:
When LED strip lights exceed 10 meters in length, a voltage drop often occurs, resulting in noticeable brightness differences between the front and end of the strip lights. This issue detracts from the overall visual effect.
Recommended Solution:
During the design phase, consult professional electricians or lighting specialists to plan the layout of LED strip lights. Divide longer light strips into shorter sections with dedicated transformers/power supplies to minimize voltage drop. Opt for high-quality light strips and use the right specification power supplies to further mitigate this issue and ensure consistent brightness throughout the installation.
Lighting design is the soul of interior spaces, and the installation process plays a pivotal role in determining the final outcome. By understanding and avoiding these six common mistakes, you can ensure flawless lighting effects that enhance both functionality and aesthetics. Collaborating with professional teams throughout the interior design and renovation process while paying attention to every detail will help you create your dream home. We hope this guide serves as a practical reference for achieving the ideal lighting design in your space.
More Information:
7 Lighting Design Ideas for Luxury Homes! 【Luxury Interior Design】
Top 5 Lighting Design Tips For Luxury Houses!
8 Living Room Lighting Design Ideas for Luxury Interior Design!
5 Bedroom Lighting Design Ideas for Luxury Interior Design!
5 Kitchen Lighting Design Ideas for Luxury Interior Design!
Use LED Strip Lights to create low position lighting for Luxury houses!【Interior Design】
Top 5 Lighting Design Tips For Luxury Houses!
Lighting Design Guide: Avoiding 6 Mistakes During the Design Phase!
Lighting Design Guide: Avoiding 6 Mistakes During the Construction Phase!
本文由 Jason謝易芨 | 共同創辦人/行銷經理 at TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturer, lighting manufacturer and led lighting supplier in Taiwan 撰文分享
| TJ2 Lighting東捷生活科技
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