Nike is in a slump. It’s hired Kim Kardashian to help
(Nike陷入低潮,聘請Kim Kardashian助陣)
作者By Jordan Valinsky, CNN
發稿時間Published 9:36 AM EST, Tue February 18, 2025
New York(CNN )— Nike is in a slump. Sales are down, its stock has lost more than a quarter of its value over the past year and its new CEO needs some help turning around the aging athletic company. Enter Kim Kardashian.(Nike正處於蕭條期。過去一年銷售額下滑,股價跌去超過四分之一,這家老牌運動用品公司的新任執行長需要一些助力來扭轉局勢。這時Kim Kardashian入場。)
Nike is partnering with Kardashian for a new brand called “NikeSkims,” the company and fashion mogul jointly announced Tuesday. The collection, which is based on her popular shapewear line, “will disrupt the global fitness and activewear industry with best-in-class innovation in service of all women athletes,” according to a press release. (Nike週二與這位時尚大亨共同宣布,將合作推出名為「NikeSkims」的新品牌。根據新聞稿表示,這個以她廣受歡迎的塑身衣系列為基礎的新系列,「將以最頂尖的創新為所有女性運動員服務,顛覆全球健身和運動服飾產業」。)
Few details were initially made available, including pricing and images. However, the brand will first roll out in the United States this spring online and at “select retail locations,” with a global launch planned in 2026.
1. slump (n.) 低潮
- The tech industry is experiencing an unprecedented slump in venture capital investment this quarter.
- 科技產業本季度在創投資金方面經歷了前所未有的低潮。
2. stock (n.) 股票
- The company's stock plummeted following the CEO's controversial remarks at the shareholders' meeting.
- 在執行長於股東大會上發表爭議性言論後,公司股票暴跌。
3. mogul (n.) 大亨
- The media mogul's acquisition of the struggling newspaper chain sent shockwaves through the industry.
- 這位媒體大亨收購陷入困境的報業集團的舉動在業界引起震撼。
4. jointly (adv.) 共同地
- The research paper was jointly authored by scientists from three prestigious universities.
- 這篇研究論文是由三所知名大學的科學家共同撰寫的。
5. disrupt (v.) 顛覆、打亂
- Artificial intelligence continues to disrupt traditional business models across various sectors.
- 人工智慧持續顛覆各個領域的傳統商業模式。
6. activewear (n.) 運動服飾
- The designer's innovative activewear collection blends performance with aesthetics.
- 這位設計師創新的運動服飾系列融合性能與美學。
7. press release (n.) 新聞稿
- The press release aimed to address the company's stance on environmental sustainability.
- 這份新聞稿旨在闡述公司對環境永續的立場。
8. select (adj.) 特選的、精選的
- The boutique hotel offers accommodation exclusively to select clientele from the financial sector.
- 這家精品酒店專門為金融界的特選客戶提供住宿服務。
9. launch (n.) 發布、推出
- The launch of their revolutionary smartphone has been postponed due to supply chain complications.
- 由於供應鏈複雜性,他們革命性智慧手機的發布已被延期。