我可以使用哪些 LiveGood 產品對乾癬有幫助?

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What LiveGood products can I use for Ringworm?



你可以透過補充 Factor 4 來達成這個目標,這款產品專為天然抗發炎設計(建議每日 4-6 顆)。此外,每日必需營養包(Daily Essentials Pack)能夠幫助你補充每日所需的維生素與礦物質。同時,增加抗氧化劑的攝取也非常重要,你可以從 Live Good Super RedsSuper Greens,以及 Shilajit(喜來芝)與海藻 中獲得豐富的抗氧化成分。



Lisa Goodkin, M.S., cPT產品教育總監



With autoimmune disorders, you want to turn down the chronic persistent inflammation in a natural way. While acute inflammatory responses are normal, like cuts and minor infections, vigorous exercise, many of the problems associated with autoimmune disorders are due to an exaggerated immune response. The goal is to restore a natural immune response by increasing the amounts of anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients. This can be done by supplementing with Factor 4 which was designed to be a natural anti-inflammatory (I suggest 4-6/day). The Daily Essentials Pack so you can get all your daily essential vitamins and minerals, as well as increasing the amounts of antioxidants consumed, which can be found in the Live Good Super Reds and Super Greens and the Shilajit and Sea Moss. Do not forget to implement lifestyle modifications like exercise, stress management, and consuming whole foods.


Best in Health,

Lisa Goodkin, M.S., cPTDirector of Product EducationLisa@LiveGood.comlivegood.com

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