PacketX IoT communication monitoring solution

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IoT communication monitoring solution

IoT communication monitoring solution

Monitoring Challenges in the Internet of Things

With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, billions of IoT devices are widely used in smart cities, industrial automation, smart healthcare, smart homes, and even AI agents. This has made IoT monitoring and security management a common and necessary infrastructure across these scenarios. However, the successful experiences from IT system management are difficult to replicate for IoT devices. This is due to several reasons:

  • IoT Devices are Mostly Closed Systems: Even if their core is based on Linux/Windows, they cannot install log agents or EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) systems like IT devices to obtain more device information.
  • Limited Monitoring Capabilities of IoT Devices: Most internal system information of IoT devices is not accessible externally, with only a small portion of data being sent out via SNMP or logs.
  • Diverse Communication Protocols and Application Scenarios: IoT devices often utilize various communication access technologies such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 5G, and 4G, which increases the overall complexity of the application system and makes monitoring more difficult. For example, a robot (IoT endpoint device) connected to a 5G router (IoT network device) may have its network connections unidentifiable due to the NAT mechanism of the 5G router.
  • Advanced application scenarios require IoT big data: By observing the interactions between IoT devices and external entities (such as communication behavior and even communication content), the obtained raw data is organized into metadata, serving as the foundation for big data analysis.

Since directly monitoring IoT devices is challenging, monitoring the communication behavior of IoT devices becomes critical. Through IoT communication monitoring, we can:

  1. Instantly grasp device operational status (whether it is functioning normally or exhibiting abnormal behavior).
  2. Analyze cybersecurity risks of IoT devices (such as detecting abnormal access or malicious communications).
  3. Support AI big data analysis and digital twin systems (mass data collection, correlation, and filtering).

PacketX IoT Communication Monitoring Solution: NPB and Metadata Analyzer

PacketX's IoT monitoring solution is designed based on the principle of non-intrusive deployment and includes the advanced NPB and Metadata Analyzer.

PacketX IoT Communication Monitoring Solution: NPB and Metadata Analyzer

PacketX IoT Communication Monitoring Solution: NPB and Metadata Analyzer

GRISM Network Packet Broker (NPB)

PacketX's GRISM NPB can be used to tap into IoT network traffic and perform immediate IoC (Indicators of Compromise) matching and metadata extraction to ensure the visibility and security of IoT communications.

Network Packet Broker, NPB

Network Packet Broker, NPB

Its main functions include:

  1. Traffic Tapping and IoC Matching:
    GRISM can use Sniffer mode to tap IoT network traffic and compare it with a periodically updated IoC database to detect potential malicious behavior, while simultaneously sending IoC match events.
  2. Metadata Extraction and Event Logging:
    Extract metadata from IoT network traffic, such as NetFlow, DNS logs, RADIUS logs, and TLS logs to capture critical communication behaviors.
  3. Integration with Third-Party Security Devices:
    Based on security policies, specific traffic can be filtered and directed to IDS/NDR (Intrusion Detection System/Network Detection and Response) security devices to enhance overall protection capabilities.

TURING Metadata Analyzer

TURING is a high-performance event collection and correlation system launched by PacketX, built on ELK, specifically designed for handling IoT network operations and security event analysis.

TURING Metadata Analyzer

TURING Metadata Analyzer

Its main functions include:

  1. IoT Event Correlation Analysis:
    🔘Receives metadata and IoC match event logs from GRISM.
    🔘Combines IoT communication metadata with IoT device logs to
    construct a complete context for IoT events.
    🔘Conducts anomaly detection and risk assessment.
  2. Large-Scale Event Processing:

In the era of the Internet of Everything, the volume of IoT events is enormous. TURING utilizes x86 servers paired with GRAID ultra-high-speed RAID cards, providing a processing capability of 500,000 EPS (Events Per Second) to meet the massive I/O demands of data import and real-time analysis.

SupremeRAID™️-SR1010  vs  Hardware RAID

SupremeRAID™️-SR1010 vs Hardware RAID

New Perspectives in the New Era of the Internet of Things

In a complex application system that extensively utilizes IoT devices with various access technologies like Ethernet/Wi-Fi/4G/5G, the success or failure of IoT monitoring is crucial to the stability and security of the entire application system. In response to the aforementioned challenges, PacketX integrates network traffic tapping analysis, IoT communication devices, and hardware-accelerated databases to develop next-generation IoT monitoring systems. This will serve as a key driver for continuously optimizing the resilience and performance of advanced applications such as smart cities, smart manufacturing, and AI agents.

PacketX Technology成立於2014年,專精於網路鑑識、流量分析及移動通訊領域。憑藉自主研發的軟體引擎與網路處理器,我們構建了寬頻深度資料封包偵測平台,進而開發出網路可視化平台及移動邊際運算生態系統。

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本文介紹如何對 Telegram 憑證監控機器人的代碼進行優化,包括新增指令、讀取變數、提高可讀性和可維護性。
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👨‍💻簡介 最近因為憑證越來越多,需要監控什麼時候到期,當到期時發送到期通知,因此撰寫一個簡單的小程式來完成。 這次使用Python和Telegram Bot來監控SSL證書的到期時間並發送通知。並使用GCP工具,如CloudFunction和CloudScheduler做部署平台。
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這篇文章分析了PANW法說會提到的資安產業過去10年最大的結構性變化,並探討了雲端和機器學習對資安產業的影響,特別針對雲端、機器學習、network security等議題進行了詳細的分析。
本文介紹如何對 Telegram 憑證監控機器人的代碼進行優化,包括新增指令、讀取變數、提高可讀性和可維護性。
2024/05/14 今天案場分散在各個區域,藉由無線電我們可以與遠距離的夥伴抱保持小組通訊,再藉著藍芽通訊系統讓同區域作業夥伴彼此保持聯繫,儘管大家身處不同地方,但對彼此的進度隨時掌握,也能隨時做各種調整。 儘管封鎖線已經綁上了,但路人冒險犯難的心讓人難以掌控,還是會有無視封鎖線的人忽然闖
👨‍💻簡介 最近因為憑證越來越多,需要監控什麼時候到期,當到期時發送到期通知,因此撰寫一個簡單的小程式來完成。 這次使用Python和Telegram Bot來監控SSL證書的到期時間並發送通知。並使用GCP工具,如CloudFunction和CloudScheduler做部署平台。
在這個網路無所不在的時代,我們經常享有資訊的自由流動和無限的知識。 想像一下,你打開手機或電腦,想查看最新的新聞、分享生活的點點滴滴,或是瀏覽一下娛樂內容,但卻發現許多網站和應用程式都無法存取。 聽起來是不是很難以置信? 但對世界上許多國家的人來說,這是他們日常生活的一部分...
這篇文章分析了PANW法說會提到的資安產業過去10年最大的結構性變化,並探討了雲端和機器學習對資安產業的影響,特別針對雲端、機器學習、network security等議題進行了詳細的分析。