2018-11-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘


    【當年今日】 #8月5日 1949年 : 英國皇家海軍軍艦「#紫水晶號」抵達香港。當年4月,該艦沿着長江運送補給物資予駐南京的英國大使館。當時「共軍」正發動「#渡江戰役」,「紫水晶號」駛到長江下游時,遭遇「共軍」炮火攻擊,艦上包括艦長在內17人喪生,20人受傷,艦身亦嚴重損毀無法航行;後來英方與「中共」多次談判才使該艦脫險。——而當日憑著一口流利「國語」協助解圍者就是 Edward Youde ——即三十三年後獲委任為香港第二十六任總督的「#尤德爵士」。 英文譯文: 【Today in History】 #5/8 On this day, British frigate HMS Amethyst arrived at Hong Kong in 1949 after her mission of fighting on the Yangtze to aid the Nanking British Embassy in April. During the mission, the Chinese Communist army attempted to cross the Yangtze. Heavy artillery was fired on the light British frigate, overwhelming her with shells, resulting in 17 deaths, including the captain, as well as 20 injured crew members. HMS Amethyst was severely damaged and forced to stop. 3 British navy ships, one of them being the heavy cruiser HMS London tried to rescue the Amethyst but failed. Finally, the Amethyst was saved from danger thanks to the negotiation with the Chinese Communists. A fluent Mandarin speaker, Sir Edward Youde (he was knighted in 1977) who was appointed as the 26 th governor of Colonial Hong Kong 33 years later, made remarkable contribution during the negotiation. ————————— 【#百日維新 系列】 1898年(光緖廿四年六月十八日): #陳寶箴 保薦#楊銳 、#劉光第 等十七員。 圖片來源:網絡
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