City of stars, Are you shining just for me? 繁星之城,你是只為我而閃爍嗎?
City of stars, There's so much that I can't see. 繁星之城,還是冷煙蔽月華?
City of stars, Just one thing everybody wants. There in the bars,And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants. It’ love. 繁星之城,眾生所冀。燈紅酒綠間,煙火闌珊處,人海茫茫中。是愛。
《A Lovely Night》是男女主角在滿天紅霞前共舞的合唱歌,下面是其中一段。
The sun is nearly gone. No lights are turning on. 斜陽漸遠,華燈初上。
A silver shine that stretches to the sea. We've stumbled on a view. That's tailor-made for two. 幻化閃閃銀河,如斯美景,鴛鴦幾何。
三顧電影院,我純粹是為了中譯本的文字之美。"It's another day of sun" 譯作「陽光伴我再衝刺。」"Just you and me" 譯作「你我嘆奈何。」看著詩情畫意的字幕,感覺如沐春風。