2020-10-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘


    二○二○年三月十四日發布的優兔視頻中,美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大,美國國際創造部資深科學家暨發言人,海洋生物學家羅伯特•卡特博士,談到造成新冠肺炎的新型冠狀病毒是如何出現的:「你或許知道,你體內與體表的細菌多於體內的細胞。那是很多的細菌,但是你知道嗎?你擁有的病毒甚至多於細菌。『什麼?病毒在做些什麼?』病毒控制腸道細菌數量,也控管細菌種類。所以病毒功能在於調節。通常不會引起疾病。但當它們跳躍到另個物種,該物種沒有能力去適當調節這種病毒。現今世上出現新病毒,也就是冠狀病毒。」科學界目前共識,新冠肺炎起源於蝙蝠。蝙蝠是冠狀病毒的主要自然宿主。帶有冠狀病毒的蝙蝠本身不會染病,但可將病毒傳給其他動物。因人類很少與蝙蝠互動,所以蝙蝠不易直接將新冠肺炎病毒傳給人類。但人類常與其他野生動物及畜養動物互動。多年來,人類對肉類和奶製品需求不斷增加,導致更多大規模動物養殖活動,增進動物與人類接觸頻率。此外,許多這樣的場所正侵入蝙蝠領地,加劇病毒從蝙蝠傳播給人類的風險。此外,作為「萬物之首」,我們人類憑良心,不能對事實視而不見,傳統市場和動物畜牧業對動物和相關工人而言,是一場活生生的惡夢,公然違背所有主要信仰,愛的核心原則。無論你看法為何,改採純素生活方式對眾生而言是雙贏主張。新冠肺炎使我們認識到,當人類生命面臨危險時,我們全體都願意對自己的生活方式做出重大改變。我們戴口罩、保持社交距離、閉門不出、避免大規模集會。隨著潛在失控的全球暖化日益嚴重,地球上的生命正處於險境。這引發了一個問題:「人類是時候邁出簡單但巨大的一步,擁抱健康、環保及慈悲純素生活方式?」答案顯然是「是的!」透過採取此一行動,我們可以一舉解決無數具破壞性的全球問題,包括大流行病、慢性疾病、巨大的經濟問題、水資源短缺、世界飢荒、物種滅絕和氣候變遷。In a YouTube video posted on March 14, 2020, marine biologist Dr. Robert Carter, a senior scientist and speaker for Creation Ministries International-USA (CMI-USA) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, discussed how SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, emerged: “You’ve probably learned that you have more bacteria in and on your body than you have cells in your body. That’s a lot of bacteria, but do you know what? You have even more viruses than you have bacteria. ‘What? What are the viruses doing?’ They’re controlling the number of bacteria in your gut, and they’re controlling the species of bacteria. So, what they’re doing is, regulating. In general, they don’t cause disease. However, when they jump to another species, that other species doesn’t have the ability to regulate this virus properly. Right now, there’s a new virus in the world, it’s a coronavirus.” The current consensus among the scientific community is that COVID-19 originated in bats. Bats are a major natural reservoir of coronaviruses. Bats do not become ill themselves from the coronaviruses they carry, but can pass them onto other animals. Since humans rarely interact with bats, it is unlikely that bats directly gave the COVID-19 virus to humans. However, humans routinely interact with other wildlife and livestock animals. Over the years, the ever-increasing human demand for meat and dairy has given rise to more numerous, larger-scale animal livestock operations, increasing the frequency of animal-human contact. Moreover, many of these sites are encroaching on bat territories, amplifying the risk of virus transfer from bats to humans. Moreover, as the “crown of creation,” we humans cannot, in good conscience, turn a blind eye to the fact that wet markets and animal livestock operations are a living nightmare for the animals and the human workers involved, flying in the face of the principle of love central to all major faiths. No matter how you look at it, a shift to a vegan lifestyle is a win-win proposition for all. One thing COVID-19 has opened our eyes to is that, collectively, we are willing to make drastic changes to our lifestyles when human lives are on the line. We wear masks, practice social distancing, stay locked down, and avoid mass gatherings. With potential runaway global warming looming large, no less than life on Earth is now at stake. This beckons the question: “Is it time for humanity to make one more simple but giant step – embrace the healthy, environmentally-friendly, and compassionate vegan lifestyle?” The answer is clearly “YES!” And by taking this action, we can solve a myriad of devastating global issues in one stroke, including pandemics, chronic diseases, enormous economic troubles, water shortages, world hunger, species extinction, and climate change.Welcome to our show entitled Global Food reform is the answer to covid-19 turn on Adele. EMB agar hamilton undefinedial call atlanta Georgia USA discussed power source Covey to the Coronavirus you probably learned that you have more bacteria in and on your body then you have cells in your body that's a lot of bacteria but you know what you have even more viruses and bacteria what they're doing is is regulating in general they don't cause disease another species that other species doesn't have the ability to regulate this virus properly what is it it's an escapee in other words Cyrus is normally are benign and species virus virus to jump species current concern originated natural Reservoir animals william Duncan according to the international Union for conservation of nature scales used in traditional Chinese medicine 2000 to 2013 christian Walser Executive Health program at Wildlife Conservation Society same time wildlife trafficking 1997 and the swine flu pandemic of 2009 for example originated in livestock farms in those cases
    二○二○年三月十四日發布的優兔視頻中,美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大,美國國際創造部資深科學家暨發言人,海洋生物學家羅伯特•卡特博士,談到造成新冠肺炎的新型冠狀病毒是如何出現的:「你或許知道,你體內與體表的細菌多於體內的細胞。那是很多的細菌,但是你知道嗎?你擁有的病毒甚至多於細菌。『什麼?病毒在做些什麼?』病毒控制腸道細菌數量,也控管細菌種類。所以病毒功能在於調節。通常不會引起疾病。但當它們跳躍到另個物種,該物種沒有能力去適當調節這種病毒。現今世上出現新病毒,也就是冠狀病毒。」科學界目前共識,新冠肺炎起源於蝙蝠。蝙蝠是冠狀病毒的主要自然宿主。帶有冠狀病毒的蝙蝠本身不會染病,但可將病毒傳給其他動物。因人類很少與蝙蝠互動,所以蝙蝠不易直接將新冠肺炎病毒傳給人類。但人類常與其他野生動物及畜養動物互動。多年來,人類對肉類和奶製品需求不斷增加,導致更多大規模動物養殖活動,增進動物與人類接觸頻率。此外,許多這樣的場所正侵入蝙蝠領地,加劇病毒從蝙蝠傳播給人類的風險。此外,作為「萬物之首」,我們人類憑良心,不能對事實視而不見,傳統市場和動物畜牧業對動物和相關工人而言,是一場活生生的惡夢,公然違背所有主要信仰,愛的核心原則。無論你看法為何,改採純素生活方式對眾生而言是雙贏主張。新冠肺炎使我們認識到,當人類生命面臨危險時,我們全體都願意對自己的生活方式做出重大改變。我們戴口罩、保持社交距離、閉門不出、避免大規模集會。隨著潛在失控的全球暖化日益嚴重,地球上的生命正處於險境。這引發了一個問題:「人類是時候邁出簡單但巨大的一步,擁抱健康、環保及慈悲純素生活方式?」答案顯然是「是的!」透過採取此一行動,我們可以一舉解決無數具破壞性的全球問題,包括大流行病、慢性疾病、巨大的經濟問題、水資源短缺、世界飢荒、物種滅絕和氣候變遷。In a YouTube video posted on March 14, 2020, marine biologist Dr. Robert Carter, a senior scientist and speaker for Creation Ministries International-USA (CMI-USA) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, discussed how SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, emerged: “You’ve probably learned that you have more bacteria in and on your body than you have cells in your body. That’s a lot of bacteria, but do you know what? You have even more viruses than you have bacteria. ‘What? What are the viruses doing?’ They’re controlling the number of bacteria in your gut, and they’re controlling the species of bacteria. So, what they’re doing is, regulating. In general, they don’t cause disease. However, when they jump to another species, that other species doesn’t have the ability to regulate this virus properly. Right now, there’s a new virus in the world, it’s a coronavirus.” The current consensus among the scientific community is that COVID-19 originated in bats. Bats are a major natural reservoir of coronaviruses. Bats do not become ill themselves from the coronaviruses they carry, but can pass them onto other animals. Since humans rarely interact with bats, it is unlikely that bats directly gave the COVID-19 virus to humans. However, humans routinely interact with other wildlife and livestock animals. Over the years, the ever-increasing human demand for meat and dairy has given rise to more numerous, larger-scale animal livestock operations, increasing the frequency of animal-human contact. Moreover, many of these sites are encroaching on bat territories, amplifying the risk of virus transfer from bats to humans. Moreover, as the “crown of creation,” we humans cannot, in good conscience, turn a blind eye to the fact that wet markets and animal livestock operations are a living nightmare for the animals and the human workers involved, flying in the face of the principle of love central to all major faiths. No matter how you look at it, a shift to a vegan lifestyle is a win-win proposition for all. One thing COVID-19 has opened our eyes to is that, collectively, we are willing to make drastic changes to our lifestyles when human lives are on the line. We wear masks, practice social distancing, stay locked down, and avoid mass gatherings. With potential runaway global warming looming large, no less than life on Earth is now at stake. This beckons the question: “Is it time for humanity to make one more simple but giant step – embrace the healthy, environmentally-friendly, and compassionate vegan lifestyle?” The answer is clearly “YES!” And by taking this action, we can solve a myriad of devastating global issues in one stroke, including pandemics, chronic diseases, enormous economic troubles, water shortages, world hunger, species extinction, and climate change.Welcome to our show entitled Global Food reform is the answer to covid-19 turn on Adele. EMB agar hamilton undefinedial call atlanta Georgia USA discussed power source Covey to the Coronavirus you probably learned that you have more bacteria in and on your body then you have cells in your body that's a lot of bacteria but you know what you have even more viruses and bacteria what they're doing is is regulating in general they don't cause disease another species that other species doesn't have the ability to regulate this virus properly what is it it's an escapee in other words Cyrus is normally are benign and species virus virus to jump species current concern originated natural Reservoir animals william Duncan according to the international Union for conservation of nature scales used in traditional Chinese medicine 2000 to 2013 christian Walser Executive Health program at Wildlife Conservation Society same time wildlife trafficking 1997 and the swine flu pandemic of 2009 for example originated in livestock farms in those cases
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