2020-11-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

鐘意食甜品? 呢到啱你

    Yesterday I did introduce you guys the paradise of Japanese Anime, is it a good idea for you to take some desserts after shopping in the arcade?
    I am not sure if you guys found an interesting phenomenon in here Hong Kong, every street has the similar category shop there, say, in Fa Yuen Street you can only find the sport shoes shops, in Tung Choi Street you can only find the stalls. So in here Kwong Wah Street (廣華literally mean "Wide Chinese") you can find full of dessert shops around.
    唔知大家有冇發現係香港有個有趣既現象,就係每條街賣開一樣野,就成條街都淨係賣呢樣野, 好似花園街淨係賣波鞋, 通菜街就淨係有小販攤.黎到呢到廣華街,就一堆甜品鋪.
    Maybe it's not the best time to introduce this street due to the COVID19, many shops are closed. Fortunately the most famous shop "Sweet Tooth" is still opening. (see the cover page image)
    可能而家唔係介紹呢條街既最好時機, 因為疫情關係,好多鋪頭都冇開,不過好在,呢條街最出名既鋪頭 - 甜牙牙依然有打開門做生意.
    They always have so many people queuing for the seats, to be honest, I only been to this shop for once as it takes so loooooooong to wait for the seats there.
    呢間既永遠都係排晒長龍,其實我都只係食過佢地一次, 因為次次都要等到阿媽都唔認得先有位.
    I deliberately take a picture of the queue from other angle to show you how extravagant the queue is.
    As I was not able to get inside the shop, that's why I can only get their menu on internet.
    Their Chocolate Soft Pancake is one of the must try item, or you can pick Durian if you don't mind the smell of it...
    I took the Chocolate Lava Cake with ice cream when I visited there last time.
    Taking few steps away from Sweet Tooth, there is a Taiwanese Noodle shop in opposite side catching my attention, I should say, the queue outside the shop does. I didn't remember there is a noodle in my last visit, maybe this is brand new, I am not sure.
    離開甜牙牙幾步,我就比對面間台灣面鋪吸引左我既注意力,嚴格黎講,係佢地條隊先啱.唔知呢間野係咪最近新開, 我對上一次黎都唔覺有間咁既野
    The queue is even longer than Sweet Tooth, I think I gotta try that shop next time.
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