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9/26 音樂五四三:Bruce Springsteen / Born to Run四十周年特輯

週六22:00-00:00 播出 (CST)。FM98.1 News98電台。大台北地區以外請利用線上收聽 www.news98.com.tw 點選「線上收聽」鏈結即可。亦可利用 hiChannel 收聽。
「一九七五年,我進錄音室錄Born to Run,想做的是這樣一張唱片:歌詞寫來像Bob Dylan,聲響聽來像Phil Spector的製作,最重要的是,歌聲唱起來像Roy Orbison。」 "In 1975, when I went into the studio to record Born To Run, I wanted to make a record with words like Bob Dylan, that sounded like Phil Spector's productions, but most of all I wanted to sing like Roy Orbison." -- Bruce Springsteen, 1987年引介Roy Orbison加入搖滾名人堂的致辭 1975年8月25日,歷經嘔心瀝血的十四個月,Bruce Springsteen的第三張專輯Born to Run終於問世,當時他二十五歲。這張唱片頂住了製作人中途換將、樂團成員來去更迭、移師新的錄音室歸零重做、以及數不清的自我質疑與推翻重來。它果然把Springsteen推上了搖滾巨星的王座,也成為搖滾史一代名盤。 四十年過去了,這張專輯仍然壯美懾人心魄,那些在社會底層邊緣打滾的幻滅青春,你只能把一切希望賭在一輛二手雪佛蘭,奔上公路離開這死氣沈沈滿是窩囊廢的小鎮。在那之前,你得先說服那位姑娘,也願意拋下一切,和你一同上路。誰知道呢,公路盡頭或許是天堂,或許是地獄,望望海濱公路破敗的房舍,故事的結局,就交給你手上這把吉他,和Big Man如怨如訴的薩克斯風來說吧......。
播出曲目(粗體為專輯正式版): Thunder Road (Album version, intro)* Lovers in the Cold (early version of “Thunder Road”, 1974?) Wings for Wheels (early version of “Thunder Road”, Live at the Main Point, 2/5/1975) Thunder Road (acoustic “Chrissy” version) Thunder Road (Album version)* Tenth Avenue Freeze Out (Album version)* Night (Album version)* Backstreets (alternate version with strings) Backstreets (Album version)*
Born to Run (alternate version with double-tracked vocals & female backing vocals) Born to Run (Album version)* She’s the One (Album version)* Meeting Across the River (Album version)* Jungleland (Live at Bottom Line, NYC, 7/12/1974) Jungleland (Album version)*
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