更新於 2021/03/27閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

032721b Gentle& 輕柔

    Soften the hard with the tender, relax the stressed with the gentle.  Open the windows, welcome the sunshine.  Clean the house, kicking out the unpleasant and the uncomfortable, organizing even well with the fresh, decorating even great with pure love.  Newly Yours, Ps. 輕柔, 馴服了剛強; 和緩, 紓解了緊蹦.  納進陽光, 迎接清新;以美柔順我心, 用愛妝點家中.
    Soften the hard with the tender, relax the stressed with the gentle. Open the windows, welcome the sunshine. Clean the house, kicking out the unpleasant and the uncomfortable, organizing even well with the fresh, decorating even great with pure love. Newly Yours, Ps. 輕柔, 馴服了剛強; 和緩, 紓解了緊蹦. 納進陽光, 迎接清新; 以美柔順我心, 用愛妝點家中.
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