Especially during the sunny moments, my camera, desires to dance with the passionate sunlight. Enthusiasm in common, enables us to link each other comfortably. The warmth occurred, the sweet atmosphere between each other, result in the wonderful effect. Yes! A great effect, the amazing influence! Enjoyably Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 在太陽非常熱情, 景緻顯得相當明亮的時刻; 喜歡即時和光線連線, 來場雙人舞, 隨興地.不急不徐地, 輕鬆隨意地; 合頻合拍那瞬間, 閃耀光芒展露, 那柔美花瓣上, 脈絡通透了, 景緻昇華至美; 這力道, 入心動人, 清楚地.