2020-10-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘



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每個人都有他自己的盲點 自己看不到。人類看不到 自己的看不到 — —
也看不到自己 如屍體行走坐臥
直到一天 夜晚的黑暗鋪天蓋地而來 咚咚敲打聲 從上下四方向他擠壓 — —
數年之後人們敲開棺木,發現 棺材板上佈滿一道又一道 深入木紋肌理的 靈魂掙扎的爪痕
— 選自陳克華《嘴臉》

我在國立台灣大學的《創意翻譯工作坊:臺灣當代詩歌之英譯》課程中開始翻譯詩的旅程。我的老師喬直(George O’Connell )和史春波(Diana Shi)同時也有自己的journal ,若有興趣看老師們或是工作坊中的其他作品,歡迎參觀。

People’s sights have their limits. They cannot see that they are not seeing —
They don’t see themselves strolling, sitting, lying as zombies.
Until one day, the darkness invades, knocking, thrusting, from all directions in overwhelming ways — After years, while others pry open the coffin. Surprised to see those deep scratches, left by soul when it struggled.
— translated from Chen Kehua (陳克華)’s poetry anthology Masks that people wear (嘴臉)

I worked on the translation last year when I was working with creative writing poetry translation workshop in NTU; the workshop was led by editors George O’Connell and Diana Shi. This piece was not further discussed and rendered by the workshop at the time, so I refined and published it here under my own name.
For works that are collectively discussed, rendered and published, you’re welcome to have a look at the journal .
通常是中詩英譯,少數個人創作 /// 此區作品若要轉載,因必須徵得原詩作者同意,請先連絡我:nilla0409@gmail.com
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