2021-11-25|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

靈氣治愈手腕 Reiki Heals Wrist

靈氣治愈手腕 Reiki Heals Wrist 我的姐姐在酒店火災現場執勤時手腕神經被切斷並造成“永久性”的損傷,也因此從邁阿密警察局“退休”。 多年的疼痛、手術、諮詢和挫折接踵而至。 自 1995 年以來,我一直是靈氣大師,大約兩年前,她決定嘗試靈氣來緩解疼痛和不適。 現在手腕已經痊癒,小指和無名指的功能也恢復了,麻木感消失了,對寒冷的敏感性消失了(過去是非常疼痛的),她現在可以做她喜歡的工作,幫助其他人。 這是在被幾位醫學專家告知“它永遠不會好轉,只能與疼痛共存”之後所發生的。 感謝上帝賜予我們靈氣。 我喜歡時事通訊,它可以幫助網絡靈氣用戶並進行教育和支持。
作者姓名: 謝麗爾“奧羅拉”柯林斯
Reiki Heals Wrist My sister was "retired" from the police dept in Miami after having her nerves in her wrist severed and "permanently" damaged while on duty at the scene of a hotel fire. Many years of pain, surgery, counseling and frustration ensued. I have been a Reiki Master since 1995 and about two years ago she decided to try Reiki to ease the pain and discomfort. The wrist is now healed, the use of her little and ring finger on that hand are restored, the numbness is gone, the sensitivity to cold is gone (used to be terribly painful) and she is able to do the work she loves, helping others. This occurred after being told by several medical experts" it will never get better, just get used to the pain." Thank God for Reiki. I love the newsletter, it helps network Reiki users and educate and support as well.
Blessings to you,
Author Name: Cheryl "Aurora" Collins
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