The economist #003- United States

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Donald Trump’s media SPAC is the zeitgeist wrapped in a complex financial instrument


In the article “Donald Trump’s media SPAC is the zeitgeist wrapped in a complex financial instrument,” the author points out that the merger between Trump’s media and Digital World Acquisition (DWAC), a SPAC, is under investigation. A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is generally considered a financial means looking for the most prospective firm to go public; however, it is occasionally used to shy away from regulatory arbitrage, such as Trump Media. Because of earlier contact and quick merging, DWAC and Trump Media are suspected of having planned the merger. In April, an earlier contact between Patrick Orlando, the boss of DWAC, and Mr. Trump’s representatives also caused suspicion. On October 20th, the merger happened only in six weeks after DWAC’s fundraising while a SPAC should normally spend over months or years looking for a target. In the meantime, DWAC’s shares rocketed, and it raised over $1bn. On December 6th, DWAC revealed that Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority had initiated investigation on their dealings.


本篇提到空殼公司的介紹以及 DWAC 這間公司與川普公司合併的案子,可能在上市之前就有事先洽談合併事宜,進而將股價炒高,美國正在調查此事中。這篇文章偏向金融分類,又讀了一篇平常不會接觸的文章,這其實也是我看經濟學人的目的。覺得很有趣!


-manifestation: example
That will be little comfort to regulators, who may intervene. Allowing spacs to be created as vehicles for specific firms is a great way to create a backdoor that lets the flimsiest ones into public markets. Trump Media is a manifestation of that idea.
-irk: irritate
It is important that the spac is independently created and chooses the firm, and not vice versa. A freshly minted spac boss ought to seek out the best possible firm it can to usher into public markets. But a firm that seeks out or encourages the creation of a spac for the purpose of taking it public is trying to pull off pure regulatory arbitrage. This tends to irk regulators.
上課、讀書、體悟, 重要的其實是將所學的知識, 應用在生活上,進而能夠為自己帶來不同高度的視野, 所以想盡可能跟大家分享不同類別的書籍以及如何真正應用在自己的人生當中。

椪皮仔的沙龍 的其他內容
Vietnam has produced a new class of billionaire entrepreneurs
Vietnam has produced a new class of billionaire entrepreneurs
Google News 追蹤
In this blog, we'll explore the best materials for creating high-end magnetic gift boxes.
Introduction In October 2018, Canada became the second country in the world to fully legalize cannabis for both medical and recreational use. While m
在過去幾年中,空白支票公司(Blank Check Company),尤其是特殊目的收購公司(SPAC, Special Purpose Acquisition Company),在資本市場掀起了一波熱潮。這類公司以其靈活的融資方式和快速上市的特性,吸引了大量投資者的關注,甚至成為一些明星企業的上市
川普政策 無論是接受Bloomberg訪談,或在正式接受共和黨提名,川普的政策可預期將帶來政策上的轉向,他所定調的經濟政策重點「低利率、低稅率、低物價」,通過關稅政策和獎勵政策讓企業回流到美國
川普遇襲,因其勝選機率提高,將主導經濟政策,將影響全球經濟,投資人預估降息可能延緩,乃至於紛紛湧入避險資產。不少中國股民直言,對A股科技類股肯定是利空。 華爾街日報:中國許多城市為經濟發展以不透明的融資方式背負7兆至11兆美元隱性債務,如今荒涼閒置,象徵由債務帶動的經濟如海市蜃樓,未來遠遠沒有保障。
本書由電子時報Digital Times創辦人 黃欽勇撰寫。從宏觀與微觀切入,能帶領讀者看懂科技產業發展脈絡、解讀中美貿易爭端下背後的真正故事。作者整合了許多產業資料,引領讀者判讀背後顯而未"知"的策略意涵。
王義川是來DPP臥底的?DPP享受執政與網路的利益之後,樂此不疲。先前只是重用網路公司作為政治顧問(幕後),現在甚至以網紅擔任政黨幹部(台前)。 網紅在本質上就是要驚世駭俗,但政治講求沈穩可信。 活動大數據分析只有主辦、協辦與地方政府可以付費取得。
In this blog, we'll explore the best materials for creating high-end magnetic gift boxes.
Introduction In October 2018, Canada became the second country in the world to fully legalize cannabis for both medical and recreational use. While m
在過去幾年中,空白支票公司(Blank Check Company),尤其是特殊目的收購公司(SPAC, Special Purpose Acquisition Company),在資本市場掀起了一波熱潮。這類公司以其靈活的融資方式和快速上市的特性,吸引了大量投資者的關注,甚至成為一些明星企業的上市
川普政策 無論是接受Bloomberg訪談,或在正式接受共和黨提名,川普的政策可預期將帶來政策上的轉向,他所定調的經濟政策重點「低利率、低稅率、低物價」,通過關稅政策和獎勵政策讓企業回流到美國
川普遇襲,因其勝選機率提高,將主導經濟政策,將影響全球經濟,投資人預估降息可能延緩,乃至於紛紛湧入避險資產。不少中國股民直言,對A股科技類股肯定是利空。 華爾街日報:中國許多城市為經濟發展以不透明的融資方式背負7兆至11兆美元隱性債務,如今荒涼閒置,象徵由債務帶動的經濟如海市蜃樓,未來遠遠沒有保障。
本書由電子時報Digital Times創辦人 黃欽勇撰寫。從宏觀與微觀切入,能帶領讀者看懂科技產業發展脈絡、解讀中美貿易爭端下背後的真正故事。作者整合了許多產業資料,引領讀者判讀背後顯而未"知"的策略意涵。
王義川是來DPP臥底的?DPP享受執政與網路的利益之後,樂此不疲。先前只是重用網路公司作為政治顧問(幕後),現在甚至以網紅擔任政黨幹部(台前)。 網紅在本質上就是要驚世駭俗,但政治講求沈穩可信。 活動大數據分析只有主辦、協辦與地方政府可以付費取得。