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原文發佈於:2021/06/03 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
有這個色調圖表和這個色調圖表。在每條爻下方,有 6 種色調。色調所代表的是,在個性方面,色調代表了你的潛在動機(*指PHS中的Motivation)。
因此,如果你的個性色調是1,而你沒有正確運作(活出你的設計),它將起到 4 的作用。如果是 2,它將起到 5 的作用。如果它是 3,它將作為 6 等等。我提到這一點的原因是,導能者掌握它是非常重要。
當一個導能者需要七年(的轉化),七年!你必須在那裡。你必須真正瞭解它是如何工作的。你會看到在那個時候,你可以看到力量,因為正如我所說,我不想只是「坐在底片上」。這種掌握和專注的能力非常非常美妙。人類,人類是盲目的。這個星球的絕大多數人是綿羊。他們不知道去哪裡、做什麼、怎麼做、什麼時候做、在哪裡做,他們不知道任何這些事情。他們在 Maia中迷失了方向。然而,任何導能者的魔力都是正確的,能夠吸引它們,吸引,記住這個詞就是吸引!為了吸引那些會認識到,他們是可以改變他們生活的力量。他們可以。有這些生命在這個世面,能告訴你該往哪個方向走,這是多麼美妙啊!這裡有太多迷失的靈魂。你會看到,這是作為理想的導能者和 Generator之間存在的特殊關係。看看Generator的所有令人難以置信的力量。它需要做出回應。只有當它有正確的回應時,它才會活出它的力量之美。

Projectors need a practical tool
It is so easy as a projector to be manipulated by your environment. The most beautiful thing about the relationship of the knowledge to projectors is that this knowledge is inherently logical it goes in very very deep everything about human design is that it is practical and everything about the process for the projector is to be able to have practical tools to be able to survive in this world of energy types.
There's this graphing of color and this graphing of color. Beneath each line, there’s 6 colors. And what color represents is that color represents on the personality side your underlying motivation.
Every human being has an underlying motivation, we have a thematic motivation that we find underneath our personality sun and earth.
And when you are not operating correctly, you do not operate according to the motivation that is correct for you. And if your motivation is not correct, then you do not have cognition, which means you do not have the intelligence potential to be able to discern in the way in which you have, at least you were designed, to have true potential to discern.
For projectors personality color is something that is enormously important. It has the same value for a projector, that responding has for a generator. And that's quite something to say. In other words it is an essential tool for projectors.
The basis of rave psychology is to understand the nature of personality transference. Personality transference is the way in which other people take you away from your true motivation. The way that works is harmonic.
So if your personality color is a 1 and you're not operating correctly, it will function as a 4. If it's a 2 it’ll work as a five. If it's a 3 it’ll work as a 6 and so forth. And the reason that I mention this, is that it is so important for projectors to grasp.
Think about the situation here: you are a projector. Somebody comes up to you, you're not emotional, you’re an unemotional projector. Somebody comes up to you and they say that that they would really like to take you out to lunch. And in that moment you have this invitation from them and in that moment your authority, let's say your splenic, you get this intuition, okay you go forth and you say yes. OK, you go to lunch and over lunch things begin to heat up. It's getting exciting, it looks like this could be an interesting relationship, you're plugged into this person. You entered into it correctly, everything seems to be okay. And it may be okay. It may be okay for a week. It may be okay for a month. But you have to remember that that other person is not self. I mean they're not real. Their relationship to you is not real. They don't love themselves, they can imagine how it would be to love anybody else. They’re just hoping you might love them. It's not like you're dealing with Buddha. This is just another Joe or Jane, who doesn’t know what's going on. And there you are with “I said okay”, you know, I accepted this invitation. Right? But think about the dilemma for the projector. You can't keep on expecting the invitation from these people every day, on and on and on and on and on. Would like to have a conversation now? It goes on and on and on, all these endless invitations. They are no generators, this is a very different being.
For the projector, that strategy of invitation, is not about anything but now or mundane. The glory of the generator is that they have mundane truth. In other words every single aspect of life can be dealt with honestly, with a yes and no in the response. But if you’re a projector, you're only limited to large themes. Which friend, which lover, which job, big things! Where to be. These kinds of things that are major issues in the life. This is what the invitation is all about.
Because you see all the little stuff, that comes from the conditioning of others that you plug into. When you plug into the life force. But there's nothing to say that person, that you agreed in the correct invitation to enter into that life with them, isn't to say that two weeks later, that it isn’t possible for you to find out and notice there's something wrong! Because things change. Because projectors are hooked on that plugging in, if they don't have a tool for recognizing when things are wrong, they stay plugged in, until the whole thing becomes a problem and hopefully for them, eventually there's a way to get out!
In RAVE psychology, I train people to do what's called colored transfer analysis. Basically this is a tool for projectors, to understand your motivation, the way in which you are here to be driven. And to understand that well enough so that you with your mind, because there is no better mind for analysis than projectors, that you can recognize the moment that anyone is pulling you away from your motivation. And the moment they're pulling you away, you know that whether the invitation was okay two weeks ago, it ain’t okay anymore! Because projectors need to have their door. They have a right to a door. They have a right to be able to unplug. They have a right to get out.
This is one of the dilemmas of bitterness, the bitterness doesn't come from the beginning, the bitterness comes from the middle, the middle of the process, where it sets in that it wasn't right. And traditionally the notself projector only finds out that the decision was wrong when it goes bad. When it's all too late, when they've already suffered, when they've gone through years of trying to make it better and figure out how to make it work and all that stuff that they go through. And you see I would never introduce this level of the knowledge because it's quite something to understand this level of the knowledge to anybody else but projectors in that sense because they have to have it!
And it is an indication of what their trajectory is in the process that is to master, then in order for them to function correctly they have to master at a deeper level than anyone else. It's not enough for a projector to understand the surface of human design. It isn't. It never will be. I mean you can give a manifestor and a generator a two sentence reading and send them on their way. And everything's okay.
When a projector takes seven years, seven years! You have to be there. You have to truly understand how it works. And you see it's at that point, that you can see the POWER, because as I said I don't want to just sit on the negatives. There's something very, very beautiful about this capacity to master and focus. Human beings, human beings are blind. The vast majority of this planet are sheep. They don't know where to go, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, where to do it, they don't know any of these things. They are lost in the Maya. And yet it is the magic of any projector that is correct to be able to attract to them, attract, remember the word is attract! To attract to them those, that will recognize, they are a force that can change their lives. And they can. How beautiful it is to have those beings here on this plane that can tell you which way to go. There are so many lost souls out here. And you see this is the special relationship that exists between the projector and the generator as an ideal. See the generator with all its incredible power. It needs to respond. It is only going to live out the beauty of its power if it has something correct to respond to.
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