Splenic Projector 如何回應邀請?

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【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
Splenic(直覺)內在自主權不是一件簡單的事情。例如,我是一個設計非常複雜的人。事實是,我是根據Splenic內在自主權運作的。我有一個開放的Emotional(情緒)系統。我有一個開放的Solar Plexus系統。
在我早年發生在我身上的事情的過程中,常常是我會意識到它,但它對我沒有任何吸引力。我會有那種感覺,那種典型的Splenic權威——不要這樣做。我所做的一切都會有動力,Ego Manifestor,我很快就會看到那是多麼愚蠢,非常快。因此,需要大量的紀律才能達到我的頭腦思想完全脫離了決策過程的地步,只有當頭腦真正完全脫離決策過程時,你才能開始讓你的脾臟發揮作用。
當然,脾臟的難點在於不瞭解它。你不瞭解脾臟。你永遠無法瞭解脾臟,你不能。你不能,因為它不能解釋自己。這不是Ajna(邏輯)中心; 它不是進化來部署所有這些類型的模式或記憶的。它不是那樣的。
因此,這些特定的通知就像是這個正在進行的每時每刻中的小亮點。 這是脾臟內在自主權在運作。當然,這意味著作為一個人,你必須看到你的生活就是你的現在。這並不意味著你不能策劃。這並不意味著你不能享受過去的延續,但它確實意味著如果你現在不注意你會遇到很多問題,因為你不會 聽你的脾臟。如果你不聽你的脾臟,你會受傷。這就是為什麼首先給你一個明確的脾臟權威,是你必須注意你的防禦系統。
我的脾臟內在自主權告訴我的任何關於任何人或任何事情的事情,我只在我接受它的那一刻才賦予它價值,因為我無能為力,因為我知道它會改變。 它確實如此;條件和情況會發生變化,尤其是在與人打交道時。 畢竟,你一直在和非我打交道,我們大多數人一直在和非我打交道。作為一個脾臟權威類型的人,我必須依靠我的脾臟內在自主權才能識別哪個非我足夠健康以應對。我看著這樣的設計,它總是歸結為洞察力的問題,將要出現在你生活中的人,將填補所有空間的人。但,儘管如此,脾臟的內在自主權是一瞬間就存在的東西。

Splenic Being
Splenic authority is not a simple thing. For example I'm somebody who has a very complex design. The fact is that I operate out of a splenic authority. I have an open emotional system. I have an open Solar Plexus system.
Splenic authority is very complex in the sense that you have nothing to hold onto because of the nature of the Spleen. And it also means you have to be very connected to it. I had to make a lot of minor errors in my early years, really, a lot of minor errors. And what I mean by that is ignoring my Spleen, because the Spleen is very quiet, it's very quick, it's instantaneous, it simply delivers a tiny little piece of information, that's all it does, and then it doesn't come back. It doesn't repeat it. So if you don't pay attention to it, it gets you.
And often what happened to me in the early years of my own process is that I would be aware of it, but it would have no pull on me. I’d get that feeling, that typical splenic ―don't do this. And there would be momentum in whatever I was doing, Ego Manifestor, and I would quickly see the folly of that, very quickly. So it took a great deal of discipline to get to a point where my mind simply was totally out of the process and only when the mind is really totally out of the decision making process can you begin to just let your Spleen work.
So, splenic authority is not a simple thing. And in many ways it is much more difficult for males than it is for females. There is a tendency to be much more sensitive to the inner hunch, whatever you want to call it. Out of the Spleen comes very basic things, very basic instantaneous judgmentation, instantaneous instinct and intuition, all of this in the moment as a protective system.
And of course the difficult thing with the Spleen is that there's no understanding it. You don't understand the Spleen. You never get to understand the Spleen, you can't. You can't because it doesn't explain itself. It’s not the Ajna Center; it’s not evolved to lay out all these kinds of patterns or memories. It isn’t like that.
The whole thing about the Spleen is that it's this momentby-moment-bymoment- by-moment decision making process. That, this is good, this is not; this is good, this is not, basically those kinds of things are going on all the time splenically. To be splenic is to be fundamentally existential. This is where the world lives out. It’s something that over time people learnt about me, particularly those people around me a lot in my process. I would say something and nothing would happen with it, or there are all kinds of things about the Spleen where one moment it says something because in that moment it's correct, and 10 minutes later it's not correct and may never be correct again, and this is the Spleen.
And there's absolutely no way of controlling that; none whatsoever. It is the same thing with the Spleen in relationships. It’s why you have to be very grounded to have splenic authority, because at any given moment your Spleen is going to say ―yes or ―no to anyone in any situation. And you're not going to know why, because you can't.
It’s one of the things that I love so much about it is that it is so deeply, deeply mysterious. And when I say mysterious it's not like we cannot go in there and discern how all that functions and works, I do that. That’s not the point. I mean, it is mysterious in the sense that it doesn't share it with us. It’s not the mind or for that matter the emotions that you churned through the various places in the wave. The Spleen doesn't do that. It doesn't take you into its confidence. It doesn't say to you, look I'm processing this and I've decided—it doesn't do that. Not only that, but it doesn't tell you where its resources come from. Your mind always does, at least it tries to. Not your Spleen; your Spleen doesn't tell you where it got the information. It just simply gives you that one and only one notification. That’s it. And when I say notification it is a notification, because in fact, the Spleen is actually telling those of us who are splenic, telling us things all the time moment-bymoment- by-moment-by-moment, literally.
So, these specific notifications are like little slight highlights in this ongoing moment-bymoment-by-moment. This is the Spleen at work. And of course, what that does is that means that as a human being, that you have to see that your life is the now for you. It doesn't mean you can't plan. It doesn't mean that you can't have an enjoyment of the continuity from the past, but it does mean that if you're not paying attention in the now you’re going to have a lot of problems, because you will not hear your Spleen. And if you don't listen to your Spleen, you do get hurt. That’s why you're given a defined Spleen in the first place, is that you have to pay attention to your defense system.
So we have one tenth of humanity that has splenic authority; no Sacral, no emotions, but a defined Spleen. And of course, for them it means that these are beings that have to pay attention in the now. They just do. And this is the most difficult aspect for them. Obviously, entering into your Strategy and Authority as a Projector in this particular case, as for all Projectors, it’s a long process to be healed, a long process to cleanse out the conditioning that has been there for whatever, decades. It is quite a thing.
And of course for the Projector the road to healing is the root in learning. This is the way that a Projector heals themselves. They study and they learn and they master. And in that way they begin to grasp the way things work and slowly but surely their process is transformed. However, it is essential for this particular Projector to recognize the meaning of the existential. In other words, that for them the invitation is something that is dealt with in the moment, whether that is a life transforming decision, or the minor of the mundane life, whatever it may be, because this is what it is for them. And one of the things that I tell those that are splenic, those that are not rooted into the Sacral/emotional system is to really enjoy the fact that you can be clear in the moment, but only trust it in the moment. This is what’s so difficult. You can only trust it in the moment. That's the thing. That's the thing that it forces you to stay aware in the now, because when the Spleen says yes to something it is only saying yes to it in that moment, in those circumstances, in those conditions. And change any of the background, framework, and the possibility is that the answer is going to be different, so you can't trust it.
Anything my Spleen ever tells me about anyone or anything I only give value to it in the moment that I take it in, because there's nothing else I can do, because I've learned that it changes. And it does; conditions and circumstances change, particularly when dealing with people. After all, you’re dealing with the not-self all the time, most of us deal with the notself all the time. As a splenic being I have to rely on my Spleen to be able to recognize which not-self is reasonably healthy enough to deal with. I look at a design like this and it always comes down to the question of the discernment, the people that are going to be in your life, the people that are going to be filling up all that space. But nonetheless, splenic authority is something that is just there in a moment.
自學自修實踐及分享 Human Design 人類設計/人設圖/人類圖。

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而想想Projector引導的「美」吧—— 一次只專注於「一個存在」。 這一切都關乎「生命軌跡分形線」(命運、運程、緣份),關乎不浪費你的能量、不浪費你的智慧、不浪費你的關注,而是保持正確,為那份「邀請」做好準備。 如果你是Projector,你別無選擇,只能「臣服」。
靈性上的傲慢,那是你們對於自己不理解的部分,所提出來的一個微妙的思維。 靈性上,並不存在任何防衛功能,那是全然的接納自己,認同自己,以及願意理解自己後,用相同的方式去對待身邊的人。當你們使用了防衛的功能,這就不是所謂的靈性了,你們只是回到你們自己熟悉的運轉模式而已。
你把情緒關在身體裡了嗎? 我們活在「身體就是我」的錯覺中,這個錯覺會衍生恐懼,使我們與根源之愛分離。我們總是將「我想被愛」的想法,壓抑在潛意識中。 想法是流動的,每個想法環環相扣,牽一髮而動全身,越是壓抑自己的想法,這個「無法被愛的我」的人格便會逐漸穩固。 鏡子靜心是藉由根源之愛回
而想想Projector引導的「美」吧—— 一次只專注於「一個存在」。 這一切都關乎「生命軌跡分形線」(命運、運程、緣份),關乎不浪費你的能量、不浪費你的智慧、不浪費你的關注,而是保持正確,為那份「邀請」做好準備。 如果你是Projector,你別無選擇,只能「臣服」。
靈性上的傲慢,那是你們對於自己不理解的部分,所提出來的一個微妙的思維。 靈性上,並不存在任何防衛功能,那是全然的接納自己,認同自己,以及願意理解自己後,用相同的方式去對待身邊的人。當你們使用了防衛的功能,這就不是所謂的靈性了,你們只是回到你們自己熟悉的運轉模式而已。
你把情緒關在身體裡了嗎? 我們活在「身體就是我」的錯覺中,這個錯覺會衍生恐懼,使我們與根源之愛分離。我們總是將「我想被愛」的想法,壓抑在潛意識中。 想法是流動的,每個想法環環相扣,牽一髮而動全身,越是壓抑自己的想法,這個「無法被愛的我」的人格便會逐漸穩固。 鏡子靜心是藉由根源之愛回