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RA:Human Design中的底層知識:Line(爻)

事實是,如果你查看Rave Mandala(曼陀羅),首先要瞭解你在圖中看到的這個輪子是看到這個輪子首先分為69,120個部分。那是一個相當大的數字——69,120個Base(基調); 輪中有69,120個基調。
The fact is that if you look at the Rave Mandala, the first thing to understand about this wheel that you see in the illustration is that to see that this wheel is divided up first and foremost into 69,120 divisions. That‟s that quite a number—69,120 Bases; there are 69,120 Bases in the wheel.
關於Human Design(人類設計/人設圖/人類圖)的一件事是,Human Design是一門差異化科學。這是關於理解,當你沿著每個人的激活軌跡從他們的生命交叉點/十字架到月球激活和行星激活,並開始向下測量它們到這裡的層層和層層,你開始看見,事實上,關於這些知識的一切都為我們指明了一條通往獨特性的道路。
One of the things about Human Design is that Human Design is the science of differentiation. It is about understanding that when you follow the track through everybody's activation from their Cross of Life to the lunar activations and the planetary activations and you begin to measure them downwards into the layers and layers and layers that are here, you begin to see that in fact everything about this knowledge is pointed at a way for us to be able to follow a track that leads to uniqueness.
One of the things to grasp about the nature of the lines, the 384 lines, is quite a distillation down from the 69,120 Bases. It's very important to see that what the line is is something that's very general. Remember that most human beings live their lives on the surface. Most human beings live in the not-self world. Most human beings live with the not-self mind. They simply do. And of course, in doing so they never penetrate below that surface because they never gain access to what is there. Everything is about frequency.
At the simplest level, Strategy and Authority is a way of tuning one‟s frequency, the holistic frequency of the being. It‟s only then that we begin to get the necessary information that lies below the level of the general or the generic of that line on the surface…
首先,有一句話。這是在分析中經常使用的詞。這是我們在Human Design教學中使用的一個詞,這個詞是「連續性」。學習Human Design的一切都是對「代碼」的學習。這是一個數字代碼。人們經常將Human Design人識別為數字人,因為其中有一個數字代碼。從根本上說,至少就爻線的性質而言,數字代碼是從Tone(色調)到Color(彩調)再到爻線的數字代碼,因為色調、彩調和爻線——我並不是說要對此暗黑或神秘感,但是,你可以用任何你想要的方式來使用它——六種色調、六種彩調和六種爻線,顯然在結構本身中存在數字對稱性。
First of all, there's a word. It is word that is used constantly in analysis. It is a word that is used in our teaching in Human Design and that word is „continuity.‟ Everything about learning Human Design is learning of code. It's a number code. People often identify Human Design people as number people, because there is a number code in this. Fundamentally that number code, at least as far as it concerns us in the nature of the line, is the number code that operates from Tone to Color to Line, because the Tone, the Color and the Line—and I don't mean to be dark and mysterious with this, however, you can take that any way you want—that with the six Tones, the six Colors, and the six Lines, there is obviously a numerical symmetry that is there in the constructs themselves.
Now, there are nuances to it. There are truly nuances to it, and nuances that are realized graphically in the way in which we study these elements, the way in which we come to understand them. Yet, they do have this continuity thematically that everything about them is about an evolutionary process. And it is about an evolutionary process that works from the 1 at the bottom to the 6 at the top or the 1 at the side into the 6 at the other side, or however it is going to be. But the reality is that it is this movement, and the movement is not so much about every step, is an improvement over the previous one. That is, it is simply the way in which the frequencies naturally divide….
Profile(角色)本身來源於第10號匣門的六條不同的爻線。換句話說,「角色」是關於某種「人設」,某種被扮演的「角色」,某種最終可以完成的「角色」。 該「角色」以兩種方式發揮作用。 這個「角色」在一個有意識的層面上運作,所以你覺察到它,也就是說,你認為你認為它是你,它在一個無意識的層面上運作,一個設計層面。
The Profile itself is derived from the six different lines of the 10th gate. In other words, the Profile is about a certain kind of character, a certain kind of role that is played, a certain kind of role that ultimately one can fulfill. And that role operates in two ways. That role operates at a conscious level so that you are aware of it, that is, you think you think it is you, and it operates at an unconscious level, a Design level.
Basically what that means is that each of the values that we are going to look at , the lines themselves, have a specific quality when you look at them in relationship to the Personality and a different nuance when you look at them in terms of the Design…
When we come back to this tonal architecture, when you're dealing with the very 1st Tone, you're dealing with the very, very, root of what it is to be a bio-form. It‟s called survival. It is about survival. It is not only about survival, but it is about defense survival, defensive survival. What‟s interesting about defensive survival is that it is deeply, deeply rooted at the tonal level in smell. And one of the things that we are defensive about are threats. So at the very, very, very depth of our architecture what we have down in that 1, because that's the way the architecture is being built, the cognitive architecture, it starts with we have to stay alive. And we have to be very aware of threats, whatever they may be. And again, threats are relative. But this is what‟s deep underneath.
What does tonal architecture represent? It represents the potential for intelligence. One of the most profound things about the 1s is their potential intelligence. It is designed for that. But it is designed for that at the deepest level, driven by fear.
And you can see at the deepest level cognitively that the intelligence is being focused and honed on what threatens its potential.
Now let's move that up a layer. We move it up to a layer and we get to Color and we get to the 1st Color. When we get to the 1st Color, Color is different on the Design side from what it is on the Personality side. On the Personality side Color is about motivation and on the Design side Color is about determination. They are two very different things—motivation in the way in which the mind is driven to conceptualize and determination is the way in which the body can differentiate in terms of the way in which the physical vehicle is nurtured. Those are two different values here.
It is something to see very clearly that when we are dealing with this Color what we are dealing with is a motivation that is rooted in fear. And you can see the continuity in this movement from the tonal architecture that says if we cannot defend ourselves, we will not survive; to the Color which is there to communicate the cognition. Remember that the Tone, if you're looking at a line, there's your line that you've got the Color layer underneath and then you have the tonal layer and the Tone has no direct connection to the line above. It is through the agency of Color that it is communicated…
Let's look at the other side of it, though, the Design side of what this primary Color aspect brings. On the Design side it brings something else. It brings the need for an understanding of one thing at a time being the bedrock to its particular nutrition. Now, that one thing at a time is very interesting, because it says a great deal about dysfunction that ultimately we can see in the 1st line being, and the dysfunction is that the 1st line being is not here to multitask. If you‟re a 1/3, if you‟re a 1/4, if you‟re a 5/1, if you‟re a 4/1, you‟re not here to multitask. It is something really to grasp.
Everything about the 1 is about this one thing at a time, because what the 1 can't deal with is something that is not stable, something that is not recognizable. If you go back to the tonal level, it‟s the immune system saying I need to recognize everything that I need to recognize to defend myself. And whether that recognition is operating at a cellular level or whether that is operating at an externalized level to the holistic being, it is the same principle—that principle of we need to be alert, we need to be afraid. Afraid is good for us because it teaches us what to be alert for. It is all a part of the same thing. It is the root of our intelligence...
但同樣,請理解人類的絕大多數——我在這裡給你一個理論性的介紹——人類的絕大多數只是「非我」,就是這樣。所有這一切都變得非常扭曲,因為正如你將看到的,當我們到達爻線水平時,爻線就像一種Loose canon(*愛惹事生非、我行我素、不按牌理出牌的人)。只要它沒有得到正確的支持,那麼這條爻線本身就是一個非常非常廣泛的概括,其中包含許多許多陷阱。陷阱是那些讓「非我」生物和他們充滿恐懼的Mind鎖定在他們的心理決策模式中的陷阱。它並沒有給他們真正的解放的機會。
But again, please understand the vast majority of humanity—I'm giving you a theoretical presentation here—the vast majority of humanity is simply not-self, period. And all of this becomes very distorted because as you are going to see, by the time we get to the line level, that the line acts as a kind of loose cannon. As long as it‟s not supported by what is correct, then the line itself is a very, very broad generalization that carries many, many traps in it. The traps that are the traps that keep the not-self beings and their fear-laden minds locked into their mental decision making patterns. It doesn't give them an opportunity, truly, to be liberated.
So, when we‟re looking at the Design side, the Design 1st Color gives us another clue about what we're moving towards to the surface. Remember, the surface is built on what's underneath. The line is a construct built out of the potential of what's underneath. So in that continuity lies many messages. And it isn't just that the 1st line is only related in continuity to those 1st lines; after all, each and every one of us will have a different chain.
在我們在Rave Psychology(心理學)和PHS中所做的高級成像工作中,我們使用「鏈」,即Tone-Color-Line(色調-彩調-爻線)被稱為「鏈」。每個人都有不同的鏈條配置。你可以是第6色調、第2彩調、第1爻線;可以有各種配置。所以在用這種方式表達這種連續性時,不要誤解。爻線級別中有各種各樣的元素實際上會增加,如果你不正確可能會非常混亂的內容,因為你旨在磨練對你來說特別正確的內容。
In the advanced imaging work that we do in Rave Psychology and PHS, we work with chains, that is, Tone-Color-Line is called the chain. And everybody has different chain configurations. You can be a 6th Tone, 2nd Color, 1st line; there can be all kinds of configurations. So in expressing this continuity this way, don't misunderstand. There are all kinds of elements that are there in the line level that in fact add to what can be very confusing if you're not correct, because you're designed to hone in on what is specifically correct for you.
Out of those 69,120 Bases, one; think about it. Out of those thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of Tones, one—at least four, the particular aspect you‟re looking for. Then you begin to see what differentiation really looks like and you being to understand what we‟re dealing with. Here is a generalization in order to be able to give you an insight into this construct, what this line is really made of.
Most people think the line is what's written in the Rave I‟Ching. I'm somebody that forever refers to life as a movie and exhorts people to enjoy the entertainment. The lines are a script; haven‟t you noticed? They‟re a script. They are so terribly accurate. It is a script that is laid out. And it is a script that is laid out for the general roles or aspects of roles that every line represents in the general construction of the character as a whole. It's a play, as the Bard loved to say, but it‟s true, this is what it is. Our task is not to be suckered into the play. Our task is to be an audience, be the passenger, and be able to see it for what it is.
The lines are not what the line is about. All that description that is there is simply giving you the script of the generic application, but how different it will be underneath. Don‟t think that all these lines are the same. Don‟t think that just because you've got the 13.1 and your friend has the 13.1, that you've got the line— you don‟t. It looks like it, but only on the surface, because under the underneath it's different the way you're motivated, the way they‟re motivated. The cognitive root, the sense, in that sense, that attunes you correctly to the way in which you can bring the realization of that particular character to the surface…
當你在看你的爻線時,開始看到你在這一點上是一個新手,一個真正的初學者。 你被分配了一個「角色」。 這是你的「轉世」,你不知道怎麼玩。你最終會被拉過這個角色的總體框架。但你永遠不會把你的魔法帶到它上面。你給一個角色帶來的魔力就像偉大的演員給一個角色帶來了一些讓人無法忘記的魔力;他們帶來了不同的東西。
And when you're looking at your lines, begin to see that you're a novice at this point, a true beginner. You‟ve been given a part to play. This is your incarnation and you don't know how to play it. You end up getting pulled along through the general frame of what that role is about. But you never bring your magic to it. The magic that you bring to a role is like the great actor or actress that brings some magic to a role that people cannot forget; that they bring something different.
I want you to see lines for what they are. This is not you. You are not a prisoner of the line, because deep underneath, it is the cognition that is going to dictate how this line will be played. And it will be different from anybody else‟s play, like musicians playing the same piece of music, note-fornote for note-for-note, and how different they are. This is what a line is.
The dilemma for us, the not-self world, is that this line, rather than being this unique special quality, is not: It's just becomes a generic. It becomes the investigator. Well, gee, let‟s take seven billion people and break them down. Divide it by six, approximately 1.2 billion, somewhere around that, 1.2 billion investigators, something like that. Do you know what I mean? This is a generic. It's the surface...
The line is the surface. It‟s gloss, in a way, because human beings are on the surface, they are. The not-self world with its billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of human beings, this is not-self world, with all of them running around trying to rule their lives with a mind, none of them in touch with their Inner Authority, with none of them conscious of being a nine-centered being, of being a binary consciousness, caught up in the program, driven like lemmings towards an endless somewhere-down-the-road cliff.
This is the world. This is the world that the line lives in. You can meet any fool on the road that is a 1/3 and you can say you've got an investigative Personality and they'll nod their head. Yeah, sure it's true. But it's like meeting somebody on the street in Germany and saying you're Caucasian. It‟s true, it‟s kind of obvious. You know what I mean. You have to be very careful about the values that you attach to this. What‟s so fascinating about it is that it's these very, very, very superficial values that are the key to cracking someone on the surface. People are so fascinated when they hear their lines. Oh yeah, that's me. Well, it's what's happened to you, but it is not you. It is not the way this line is here to be played. You‟ve never truly played this line. It plays you. You‟re not-self. You don't know what to investigate. You don‟t know what to be afraid of or not. You have no idea. The only thing you've got is your not-self mind telling you better be afraid of this, that and the other thing, everything. You have no idea.
Based on your openness, based on the openness in your design, the hanging gates, the bridges for the splits, you don‟t know what to look at, you don‟t know where to look, and you don‟t know where to start. And the most common thing of the 1st line being is to feel inferior. The home of the inferiority complex; inferior because they try to multitask, inferior because they are simply not correct, inferior because they absolutely have no idea what the fear is for. They don't. And they‟re all alone.
When you look to the Design and you look to the Color, you see the continuity going back to cave people—insular, closed off, always trying to protect themselves. This is where the whole foundation of life on this planet is rooted in fear. The fear that the humans will finally go over the top and eliminate everybody, the fear of this, the fear of that, the fear this plague, this thing, that thing, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, with nothing to hold on to, nothing stable.
We don't have true investigators on this plane. We have generic, fearful people. And most of the fear is masked by knowledge, as if somehow the knowledge is going to liberate them. In the not-self it does not work. You‟re not-self, you‟re full of fear, and you‟re an investigator. You think something's wrong with you. You go Googling for symptoms, and you end up with some exotic diseases you are convinced that you have, that you're afraid that you‟ve got it—the investigator going mad.
The 1 is about—I guess the deepest goal the cognition has, and the goal is „if we can be secure, everything is possible.‟ And oh, is that a deep truth; if we can be secure. I teach self-love. I teach human beings that through this process, through the experiment you find, what you discover is that you can trust in your ability to navigate on this plane, that you can find within yourself a love that is very special. It is not something that human beings have. They dislike themselves. They're constantly hoping that somebody else is going to prove to them that they are really worthy. Nearly 70% of the planet has an undefined Heart Center. It‟s such a mess out there.
The investigator says, if you don't have a solid foundation, I don't care where you're going, but everything is going to fall down. The very nature of the hexagram, the very construct itself, cannot survive without a solid foundation, it cannot. So we are driven to find the foundations. We are driven. It is the very, very source of our drive to know, to understand, to make sense of, and to grasp. Everything, everything—the more you know, the less you fear; the more you know, the less you fear. You can see the way these beings can be driven.
Yet, at the same time, if they're operating correctly, I mean really, if they're operating correctly—Strategy and Authority—that automatically what's happening to them is that they're gaining access to what is their correct cognition. And that correct cognition begins on the Design side. It begins in the way in which the vehicle moves through space. The navigation—if you're not navigating correctly as a 1 you're never going to be able to get to the root of the thing you must get to the root of before you can move on. You can‟t leave a fear behind. You can‟t.
This is one of the things that is so devastating to 1s, something that's just not been resolved, something that's hanging there, something that's not complete, something that hasn't been really dug into because it lingers inside of them and it breeds the fears that the not-self lives on. This one thing at a time, for a 1st line being, is so important. It is one of those aspects in their nature, rooted in the continuity that flows upwards that can add such richness to delivering this information on the surface. Somebody who is a 1/3, what that is to be a 1/3, this is the foundation profile. Not the foundation line, but the foundation profile; a 1st line Personality, a 3rd line Design. And the 3rd line is deeply mutative.
It says something so extraordinary about life. It‟s so wonderful in the way we can see it in the mechanics, this 1/3, the foundation constantly mutating. It is us. We are mutation. Atomics are mutative. We are the mutation. The investigator is alone. When you're dealing with a 1/3 or a 1/4 as profiles you‟re dealing with the most insular personalities that we have. It doesn't mean that's what they display. That‟s a matter of their Design. They may be designed to be tribal, social, whatever the case may be, but this is an insular Personality locked deep inside in its own aloneness. And without a solid foundation, it suffers. And that solid foundation is only trusting in itself, because if it cannot trust in itself, it is driven endlessly to try to find solutions that are not to be found.
For the 1st line Personality, nothing is more important than being able to see that they can navigate on this plane and it's all going to be okay. It‟s why the not-self 1/3s and 1/4s have so much confusion in their lives and they don't know where to look. You need to be able to put certain things aside as a 1 and move on. You‟re not here to spend your whole process trying to resolve a basic fear. And yet, without the cognitive, how difficult it is, if not simply impossible.
And it's not just about finding that solid foundation. It is about recognizing something. There is something deeply, deeply empathic in the nature of what it is to be a 1. It's just there, this taking in, this ability to take in the other, the ability to take in information, and to take it in only because it presents itself. The thing to understand about the nature of the 1st line being, because they are the deepest in the right angle, the 1/3s, the 1/4s, that the great aspects of their life are rooted in the things out there banging into them. But in order for the right thing to transform you, in order for the right thing to get you going on a particular foundation, you have to be in the right place. And you can only be in the right place when you‟re navigating correctly…
It is different when it's the body, the 4/1s, the 5/1s, these 1 bodies, these are bodies that are fearful. These are bodies that like solid ground. They‟re different. They are bodies that are always looking for a secure position, a defensible position. It‟s interesting to think about the nature of investigation and to realize that investigation is something that you are designed to do alone. We have investigation factories on the planet, huge investigation factories, think tanks and research labs and all of these kinds of things that have brought us the so-called wonders that we have; the homogenized process.
The investigator is a personal thing, it‟s an individual thing. It‟s not intended to be a group endeavor. It isn't. You can see that when you go into the body and you can see very clearly that 4/1s and 5/1s, that their investigation is something that needs to take place behind closed doors. They‟re different. They‟re not the kind of beings that go out in the world. Their investigation is much more internal process, an inner process of investigation. And at the same time, they are very uncomfortable if their environment isn't secure.
When you begin to understand that the line is a generic, that there are all these differentiated possibilities that flow up from underneath, you can begin to look at these linings in a different way. You can begin to look at them from the point of view of a director, rather than the actor, to stay with my metaphor. The director in the sense of: Well, how is my line to be played? What is it that is going to make my line played differently? This is the knowledge that is there in those that have been trained to be PHS Practitioners and Rave Psychologists, to be able to guide individuals into this process deeper and deeper so that they, through the recognition of the mechanics, can begin to watch the process…
在此特定配置中,當你與調查員打交道時,很明顯的一件事是調查員將從其環境中的保護和安全中受益。我知道這是因為5/1人和5/1人是出了名的謹慎和偏執。 這是他們的一個方面。
Here in this particular configuration, when you're dealing with an investigator, that one of the things that is clear is that the investigator is going to benefit from protection and security in their environment. I know this as a 5/1 and 5/1s are notoriously careful and paranoid. This is one of their aspects.
你所擁有的是,你已經根深蒂固地意識到第1爻身體中存在的潛在的恐懼和不安全感,以及對安全和受保護環境的需求。同時你有第5爻人格,看著世界,說:「他們想要什麼?」你可以馬上看到發生了什麼,當這只是通用的時候——這麼多的 5/1人,我知道很多5/1人,看看它們實際上有多混亂,這很重要。這些配置是你與人類打交道的那一刻,這些人只是單純的「非我」⋯⋯
What you have underneath is that you have ingrained in that the potential of the fear and the insecurity that is there in the 1st line body and in the need for secure and protected environment. And at the same time you have the 5th line Personality looking at the world and saying, “what do they want?” And you can see right away what happens that the moment this stays just the generic—so many 5/1s, I know a lot of 5/1s, it‟s quite something to see how messed up they can actually be, how any of these configurations are the moment that you're dealing with human beings that are just simply not-self...
We are a binary consciousness. At any level that you want to understand what it is to be you, what it is to be a nine-centered being, it begins with the simple. It begins with understanding we are a binary consciousness. We have a Design consciousness that runs as this vehicle. The vehicle is the life. It is the vehicle that provides us with the platform for everything we're going to experience in this life. It gives us our brain, our mobility and all the things that go with it, all the sensory equipment, all the tools, everything; it is the life. It is what we ride in as Personality. As Personality we are a passenger. We come in after the life has been established. We come in after the life architecture has been built. We are left behind when the vehicle dies.
We are the passenger. And as long as we are living in a distorted state in which we are giving the mind authority to run our lives, we are never going to get to embrace the beauty of what it is in our own unique potential to filter the consciousness field, what it means to live through your outer authority, the investigator whose outer authority is rooted in their correctness, in their correct motivation, in a correct perspective, being in the right place, nurturing themselves correctly, operating correctly. Then the nuance of the value of what this particular investigator is is going to come to the surface, the way in which their role is finally going to be played out.
~Ra Uru Hu
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