2022-07-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

Night at Issyk-Kul

    (2022.06.29 our second day at Issyk-Kul) 棧道起點映著優雅的紫藍色, The starting point of the plank road reflects the elegant purple blue. 那裡像宮殿。 Like a palace. 玻璃杯碰撞的清脆、白色桌巾、柔軟的椅背, Crisp, white tablecloths, soft chair backs where glasses collide. 人們在微醺的光暈裡跳舞。 People dance in a halo of drunkenness. 人聲漸遠, Voices fade away. 我們終於抵達棧道終點, We finally reach the end of the plank road. 黑夜的湖泊將我們圍繞。 Lake in the dark night surrounds us. 你說我們可以越過垂掛的鐵鏈, You, in an instinctive way, say we can jump over the dangling chains 沿著木板邊緣席地而坐。 and sit on the floor along the edge of the plank. 他問這是可以的嗎? "Is this possible?" She asked. 此時我才發現你是這麼隨性。 That's when I realized how natural you are. 幾公尺處遠的小船安靜停泊, Mooring quietly a few meters away is the boat. 船帆早已卸下,桅杆在微風中擺盪。 The sails are taken down with the mast swaying in the breeze. 我們倚靠在剝落的油漆柱上, We lean against the peeling pillars of paint. 披上簡單的外套。 Put on a simple coat. 來自各方的我們現在享有同一片黑暗, From all sides now sharing the same darkness, 在同片夜空下,分享各自的來歷。 under the same night sky, we tell who we are. 你是吉爾吉斯人。 As a Kyrgyz, you are. 他來自羅馬尼亞。 She is from Romania. 而我從台灣來。 And Taiwan is my hometown. 不久, Soon, 我像是猛然記起什麼, something suddenly comes to mind. 抬頭一看, I look up. 才發現星光燦爛。 Stars are shining brightly. 'Hey, look at the sky!' 'Every time when I see a falling star, I wish. And they all come true.' 'Every time?' 'Yes. Every time.' 水紋沿著月光降落的方向擺尾, The water pattern swings its tail in the direction of the moonlight falling. 笑聲消弭了時差, Laughter takes away the jet lag, 傳至彼岸、綿延到遠方, spreading to the other shore; stretching to the distance. 我們在Issyk-Kul湖邊坐擁一整個暗夜, We sit all night by the Issyk-Kul Lake, 約好下一個湖邊相見。 making an appointment to meet at another lake. For Nelly and Andreea
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