2022-07-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

在路上 On the road

    (2022.06.30 回Bishkek的路上) 一路上,天空是最乾淨的那種藍色,因為植被普遍低矮,所以視線所及總是被藍天盤據。雲朵稠密而晈白,靜靜堆在靠近地平線一角,陽光毫無阻攔地抵達曠野。 車窗外草綠綿亙,偶爾能看見幾張米白樸素的蓬頂。一晃眼,崖壁在眼前高高懸起,上頭岩塊裸露,土黃。一個影子閃過,還來不及看出是甚麼,視線又即刻被漫天撲來的蒼綠覆蓋。山丘披上灰綠的幔,淺白與深棕相依,我們正緩緩駛進山與山的狹縫之中。 石子路蜿蜒整個山丘,日子被高聲傳唱。 / (2022.06.30 Head back to Bishkek) The sky along the way is the purest blue. Due to the low vegetation, the blue sky always occupies the line of view. Clouds are dense and white, quietly piling up near the horizon. Sunlight pours through the air and reaches the wildness unimpeded. The meadow spreads along outside the car window. Sometimes, there are a few simple white yurts. In a blink of an eye, the cliff hangs high with bare, yellowish rocks above. All of a sudden, a shadow flashed by, and before it was too late to see what it was, the sight was immediately covered by the green rushing towards the sky. Covered with gray-green mantles are the hills. Light white and dark brown mix. We are now slowly diving into the gap between the mountains and the mountains. Rocky roads meander around the entire mountains. Days are loudly sung.
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