2022-07-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘


    Four minutes a century ago.
    An epidemic of contagion that has brought thousands of lives a grief experience that can never be forgotten.
    MagicVoice, a girl with strange powers, appears among the patients.
    She heals all patients with her song and awakens the magic hidden in their bodies and minds.
    Later, an orchestra was formed, named MagicVoice, to balance the contradictions of the world with music.
    Unfortunately, the magic has long since spread out of control, bringing deeper fear than infecting the epidemic.
    Even if the orchestra members sacrifice themselves again and again, and then insist on guiding the world with music... ...
    Fear, not gone away.
    People whose strength has been awakened also have the courage that has been forgotten for a long time.
    However, excessive courage turned into hostility; Fighting becomes robbery.
    Civilization, it seems, no longer matters. Before the change came, people seemed to have chosen to kill themselves.... ...

    別在我的墳前哭泣 我不在那裡,我沒有長眠 我化為千風吹送著 我化為雪中閃耀的鑽石 我化為陽光灑落在成熟稻穀上 我化為秋雨綿綿 當你在早晨的寧靜中醒來 我化為湍急的溪流 寧靜的鳥兒在上方盤旋 我化為溫柔的星星在夜晚閃耀著 不要在我的墳前哭泣 我不在那裡,我從未長眠
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