2022-12-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

台北賓館 The Taipei Guest House

凱達格蘭大道1號不是總統府?Building at No.1 Ketagalan Blvd , Taipei city? 找尋隱藏的貓頭鷹 Where's the owl?
如何去】搭捷運:搭捷運至 #臺大醫院站,從一號出口出來後往公園路方向走,步行約3分鐘即可抵達臺北賓館入口處(Google定位:凱達格蘭大道1號)
If you had watched Taiwanese Drama "Gold Leaf", you may notice there is a scene that the actress brought her family Hoppo Tea to London and won the competition. The luxurious western style venue is actually in the Taipei Guest House!
The Taipei Guest House was originally the residence of the governor during Japanese period in Taiwan. It was built in 1901 and reconstructed in 1911 due to the termite damage. The total area including the gardens is about 19,000 square meters, the main building is the 2 floors western style mansion and there is a European garden in front with a fountain. Besides, there is also a Japanese style wooden bungalow connected to the main building. Moreover, a magnificent Japanese style garden with stone bridge, stone lanterns and rockery decorations hidden in the back yard where is very peaceful and cozy.
It is said the appearance of main building was designed like an owl. As owls are lucky symbols in Japan. When you are visiting here, try to find out the owls
After WWII, this house was changed to name "Taipei Guest house" and currently used to hosting diplomatic receptions and ceremonies. It was declared as national historical site in 1998 and open to the public 1~2 days a month since 2001. Please check the official website for open house date/hours. It is free entry with hourly guided tour.
The interior of the house is not only gorgeous but also contains many interesting histories. Even it is western styles buildings, but you will still find some designs or decorations are Japanese style or inspired from Taiwanese local natural beauty. It is strongly recommended to follow the tour guided to explore the hidden treasures of this ancient house.
【How to get there】Take the MRT to National Taiwan University Hospital Station and walk toward Gongyuan Rd from Exit 1. It is only about 2~3 minutes walking distance.
**Google map: type in "No.1 Ketagalan Blvd"
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