2023-01-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘

HDS: Understanding 理解

There are 4 elements 元素 of the Human Design System for Understanding of Rave Mandala Bodygraph converting energy from the Universe to our Human Body:
  1. Imprint 印記 ➔ Gate 閘門
  2. Activation 啟活 ➔ Channel 通道
  3. Circuitry 迴路 ➔ Center 中心
  4. Center 中心 ➔ Energy 能量
INPUT: Rave Mandala Bodygraph
INPUT: Rave Mandala Bodygraph

A). Imprint 印記

13 Imprints in 2 Columns (Personality vs Design), generated by mapping Planets' Neutrino 中微子 to our Earth Mandala 曼陀羅 :

(A1). Design設計】LEFT
at 88° (approx. 3 months) before our recorded Birth Date|Time @UTC/GMT (CC), onto Mandala, in RED Color.

(A2). Personality【個性】RIGHT
at an Instant Birth Date|Time @UTC/GMT (MAP), as accurately as possible, onto Mandala, in Black Color.

B). Activation 啟活

26 Activations to 64 Gates (Rave I'Ching with Line, Color, Tone & Base), associated with 12 Zodiac Signs 星座, on Mandala, allocated onto 9 Centers on Bodygraph :

(B1). Head 頭腦 中心 Center ↓ (3g)💡30%
  1. ䷼〔61〕Gate of Mystery【神秘】
  2. ䷾〔63〕Gate of Doubt【懷疑】
  3. ䷿〔64〕Gate of Confusion【困惑】

(B2). Ajna 邏輯 中心 Center ÷ (6g)💡51%
  1. ䷃〔4〕Gate of Formulization【構想】
  2. ䷊〔11〕Gate of Ideas【想法】
  3. ䷐〔17〕Gate of Opinion【觀點】
  4. ䷗〔24〕Gate of Rationalization【精簡】
  5. ䷪〔43〕Gate of Insight【洞察】
  6. ䷮〔47〕Gate of Realization【實現】

(B3). Throat 喉嚨 中心 Center ↔ (11g)💡71%
  1. ䷇〔8〕Gate of Contribution【貢獻】
  2. ䷋〔12〕Gate of Caution【警告】
  3. ䷏〔16〕Gate of Skills【技能】
  4. ䷓〔20〕Gate of The Now【當下】
  5. ䷖〔23〕Gate of Assimilation【融入】
  6. ䷞〔31〕Gate of Influence【影響】
  7. ䷠〔33〕Gate of Privacy【隱私】
  8. ䷢〔35〕Gate of Change【改變】
  9. ䷬〔45〕Gate of Gatherer【匯集】
  10. ䷷〔56〕Gate of Stimulation【刺激】
  11. ䷽〔62〕Gate of Details【細節】

(B4). Heart 意志力 中心 Center + (4g)💡35%
  1. ䷔〔21〕Gate of Hunter【獵人】
  2. ䷙〔26〕Gate of Egoist【利己】
  3. ䷧〔40〕Gate of Aloneness【孤獨】
  4. ䷲〔51〕Gate of Shock【震驚】

(B5). Spleen 直覺 中心 Center ↻ (7g)💡53%
  1. ䷑〔18〕Gate of Correction【更正】
  2. ䷛〔28〕Gate of Game Player【遊戲】
  3. ䷟〔32〕Gate of Continuity【持續】
  4. ䷫〔44〕Gate of Alertness【警覺】
  5. ䷯〔48〕Gate of Depth【深度】
  6. ䷱〔50〕Gate of Values【價值】
  7. ䷸〔57〕Gate of Intuitive Clarity【看破】

(B6). Sacral 薦骨 中心 Center ↕ (9g)💡70%
  1. ䷂〔3〕Gate of Ordering【排序】
  2. ䷄〔5〕Gate of Fixed Patterns【定型】
  3. ䷈〔9〕Gate of Focus【集中】
  4. ䷍〔14〕Gate of Power Skills【量能】
  5. ䷚〔27〕Gate of Caring【關愛】
  6. ䷜〔29〕Gate of Perseverance【毅力】
  7. ䷡〔34〕Gate of Might【威力】
  8. ䷩〔42〕Gate of Growth【生長】
  9. ䷺〔59〕Gate of Sexuality【性慾】

(B7). Solar Plexus 情緒 中心 Center ↺ (7g)💡50%
  1. ䷅〔6〕Gate of Friction【磨擦】SS
  2. ䷕〔22〕Gate of Openness【開放】FF
  3. ䷝〔30〕Gate of Feelings【情懷】SF
  4. ䷣〔36〕Gate of Crisis【危機】SF
  5. ䷤〔37〕Gate of Friendship【友誼】SS
  6. ䷰〔49〕Gate of Principles【原則】SS
  7. ䷶〔55〕Gate of Spirit【精神】FF

(B8). Root 根部 中心 Center ↑ (9g)💡58%
  1. ䷒〔19〕Gate of Wanting【需要】
  2. ䷥〔38〕Gate of Fighter【鬥士】
  3. ䷦〔39〕Gate of Provocation【挑釁】
  4. ䷨〔41〕Gate of Contraction【收縮】
  5. ䷳〔52〕Gate of Stillness【靜止】
  6. ䷴〔53〕Gate of Beginnings【開端】
  7. ䷵〔54〕Gate of Drive【推動】
  8. ䷹〔58〕Gate of Vitality【活力】
  9. ䷻〔60〕Gate of Acceptance【接納】

(B9). G 自我 中心 Center - (8g)💡56%
  1. ䷀〔1〕Gate of Self-expression【自我表達】
  2. ䷁〔2〕Gate of Direction of Self【自我方向】
  3. ䷆〔7〕Gate of Role of Self in Interaction【自我交流】
  4. ䷌〔13〕Gate of Listener【自我聆聽】
  5. ䷉〔10〕Gate of The Behaviour of the Self【自我行為】
  6. ䷎〔15〕Gate of Extremes【自我極端】
  7. ䷘〔25〕Gate of The Spirit of the Self【自我精神】
  8. ䷭〔46〕Gate of Determination of Self【自我決心】

C). Circuitry 迴路

3 Circuit Group-Types along 36 Channels between 9 Centers:
Individual + Collective + Tribal / Community

(C1) Individual 個人 Circuit (15c)
(C1.1) Individual (Integration 集成) Circuit (4c):
  1. ䷉《10➔57》䷸ Channel of Perfected Form【神型】
  2. ䷓《20➔10》䷉ Channel of Awakening【覺醒】
  3. ䷓《20➔34》䷡ Channel of Charisma【魅力】
  4. ䷡《34➔57》䷸ Channel of Power【力量】
(C1.2) Individual (Centering 中央) Circuit (2c):
  1. ䷉《10➔34》䷡ Channel of Exploration【探索】
  2. ䷘《25➔51》䷲ Channel of Initiation【發起】
(C1.3) Individual (Knowing 覺知) Circuit (9c):
  1. ䷁《2➔14》䷍ Channel of Beat【脈動】
  2. ䷂《3➔60》䷻ Channel of Mutation【突變】
  3. ䷇《8➔1》䷀ Channel of Inspiration【啟發】
  4. ䷋《12➔22》䷕ Channel of Openness【開放】
  5. ䷓《20➔57》䷸ Channel of Brainwave【腦波】
  6. ䷛《28➔38》䷥ Channel of Struggle【脫困】
  7. ䷪《43➔23》䷖ Channel of Structuring【架構】
  8. ䷶《55➔39》䷦ Channel of Emoting【情緒】
  9. ䷼《61➔24》䷗ Channel of Awareness【察覺】

(C2) Collective 集體 Circuit (14c)
(C2.1) Collective (Sensing 感知 / Abstract 抽象) Circuit (7c):
  1. ䷊《11➔56》䷷ Channel of Curiosity【好奇】
  2. ䷝《30➔41》䷨ Channel of Recognition【夢想】
  3. ䷠《33➔13》䷌ Channel of Prodigal【智謀】
  4. ䷢《35➔36》䷣ Channel of Transitoriness【無常】
  5. ䷩《42➔53》䷴ Channel of Maturation【成熟】
  6. ䷭《46➔29》䷜ Channel of Discovery【發現】
  7. ䷿《64➔47》䷮ Channel of Abstraction【抽象】
(C2.2) Collective (Understanding 理解 / Logical 邏輯) Circuit (7c):
  1. ䷈《9➔52》䷳ Channel of Concentration【專心】
  2. ䷎《15➔5》䷄ Channel of Rhythm【韻律】
  3. ䷏《16➔48》䷯ Channel of Talent【才華】
  4. ䷐《17➔62》䷽ Channel of Acceptance【接受】
  5. ䷑《18➔58》䷹ Channel of Judgement【批評】
  6. ䷞《31➔7》䷆ Channel of Alpha【始創】
  7. ䷾《63➔4》䷃ Channel of Logic【邏輯】

(C3) Tribal / Community 部落 Circuit (7c)
(C3.1) Tribal (Ego 自主) Circuit (5c):
  1. ䷙《26➔44》䷫ Channel of Surrender【投降】Entrepreneurial 企業
  2. ䷟《32➔54》䷵ Channel of Transformation【蛻變】Entrepreneurial 企業
  3. ䷬《45➔21》䷔ Channel of Money【金錢】Entrepreneurial 企業
  4. ䷤《37➔40》䷧ Channel of Community【社團】Community 社團
  5. ䷰《49➔19》䷒ Channel of Synthesis【合放】Community 社團
(C3.2) Tribal (Defense 防護) Circuit (2c):
  1. ䷚《27➔50》䷱ Channel of Preservation【保存】
  2. ䷺《59➔6》䷅ Channel of Mating【親密】

(C4) 4 Channel Types

D). Center 中心

9 Centers Appearance (3 status) by Circuitry into 5 Energy Types:

Reference 參考

  • Chart Reading Booklet - Ra Uru Hu (PDF)
  • Living Your Design - Richard Rudd (PDF)
  • Whole & Unleashed - Jessica Lock (www)
In memory of Ra Uru Hu who brought Human Design in daylight. 為紀念 Ra Uru Hu 把人類設計帶到我們眼前。
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