今天,我們回顧馬太福音 15:21-28 中描述的耶穌與迦南婦人的相遇。 這個故事是對信仰力量(the power of faith)和堅持祈禱(persistence in prayer)的重要提醒,也是耶穌對所有人的愛和接納信息的證明。
故事開始於一個女人走近耶穌,請求他醫治她被惡魔附身的女兒。 起初,耶穌沒有回應她,門徒們勸他打發她走。 這似乎是耶穌的一種不同尋常的反應,他以慈悲和醫治大能著稱(This may seem like an unusual reaction from Jesus, who is known for his compassion and healing power.)。 但我們必須記住,在那個時候,迦南人被認為是外人(outsider),經常受到猶太人的歧視。
總之(in conclusion),耶穌和迦南婦人的故事有力地提醒我們信心、堅持和愛的重要性(a powerful reminder of the importance of faith, persistence, and love)。 我們應該相信耶穌,永遠不要放棄我們的祈禱,我們也應該像耶穌一樣,對所有人表現出愛和接納。 願我們都被迦南婦女的信心和堅持所鼓舞,願我們永遠記住耶穌對所有人的愛和接納的信息。 阿門。
「這個故事是一個女性面對歧視和邊緣化時的力量和堅持的有力例證(This story is a powerful example of a woman's strength and persistence in the face of discrimination and marginalization.)。
(However, the woman's response challenges this way of thinking and demonstrates the importance of inclusivity and compassion. She reminds Jesus that even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of sharing resources and extending compassion to all.)
(This story is a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and our responsibility to care for the natural world.)