2023-08-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘



The philosophy of Daoism emphasizes the importance of perceiving the world without bias, as the colored lenses of our minds can cloud our vision and lead us astray. By cultivating a quiet and contemplative mind, we can see through the illusions that deceive us and recognize the true nature of things. We are often deluded by the appearances of things and become confused, but if we understand that reality is not what it seems, we can gain insight into the workings of the universe and find clarity of mind.
Through practical experience, we come to realize that all things are fleeting and impermanent, and our connections with people and objects are governed by the law of cause and effect. We cannot always get what we want and must learn to accept the natural order of things. We must follow the path of least resistance and learn to adapt to the ever-changing nature of existence.
When we understand the nature of change, we can let go of our attachments and avoid getting caught up in the endless cycle of desires and suffering. We must recognize that everything is temporary and that we are only temporary visitors in this world. By doing so, we can free ourselves from the limitations of our beliefs and avoid the traps of right and wrong, good and bad. We can step confidently into the light of wisdom and embrace the simplicity and beauty of the natural world.
The only thing that doesn't change in this world is that both human hearts and the world are constantly changing.
The way of Daoism teaches us that we do not need to force anything or strive to make things happen. When we act naturally and without contrivance, we allow the natural order of things to unfold, and our minds become clear and unencumbered. We must learn to live in harmony with the world and trust in our innate wisdom to guide us in the right direction. This is the essence of the philosophy of Daoism, which teaches us to follow the path of least resistance and live a simple and uncluttered life.
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