2013-08-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘





    在金融機構開設境外法人的帳戶並不是想像中那麼容易。除了瑞士、盧森堡以外,設置在曼島(Isle of Man)、海峽群島(Channel Islands)等歐洲具代表性租稅天堂的金融機構,根本不願意為來路不明的公司法人開設帳戶。如果開設帳戶的目的只是為了逃漏稅,銀行方面更不願意配合。
    如此一來,只能在加勒比海的蓋曼、百慕達、英屬維京群島(British Virgin Islands),或是南太平洋的萬那杜(Republic of Vanuatu)、諾魯共和國(Republic of Nauru)和帛琉等規定比較寬鬆的地方設立法人。




    Is Palau Ready For Offshore Banking?Jackson M. Henry2011.04.27

    By Jackson M. Henry

    According to Nicholas Shaxon , Offshore Banks hold between $10 to $20 trillion in total cash deposits.  Half of the world trades are processed through Offshore Banks, which makes them huge and drives power into the heart of global economy.  31% of the profits of America’s multi-national corporations and 26% of the world’s wealth are held in Offshore Banks.  Switzerland and Cayman Island are the powerhouses in Offshore Banking holding nearly 45% or about $10 trillion of all offshore accounts.

    Many Offshore Banks are located in islands nations like Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Vanuatu, Bahamas, Nauru, Cook Islands, Hong Kong and Singapore, among others.  Offshore Banking creates jobs, pays taxes and provides a reliable pool of high paying tenants that fill up commercial spaces in prime real estate sections of city centers.  They also attract educated class of workers who command high salaries.  So the question now is, why hasn’t Palau jumped into this opportunity.

    But first, just what is Offshore Banking?  Offshore Banks are banks that are located outside the residence of the depositor.  Depositors seek offshore banks because of their tax advantages, secrecy, privacy, legal protections, easy access, and political stability.

    Offshore Banking has gotten bad publicity recently because they are sometimes associated with the underground economy, money laundering, tax evasion and organized crime.  However, there are many legitimate and legal offshore bank depositors who comply to banking laws and pay their taxes.  In fact, offshore banks do not prevent assets from being taxed and they do cooperate with authorities when financial crimes are being investigated.

    Although accounts held in Offshore Banks are only in numbers, depositors are required to declare, under the penalty of perjury, the existence of their offshore accounts for tax purposes.  New international regulations have been approved, since 9/11, to access all SWIFT databases to tract own terrorist and criminal activities worldwide.

    Offshore Banking, like tourism, is one of the few industries that remote and resource stricken island nations like Palau can competitively tap into for revenues.  It can attract new investment to fuel growth and redistribute wealth from rich to poor nations.

    Its time that Palau seriously look into Offshore Banking by creating a law to fund a first rate Feasibility Study. International Law Firms are available to help Palau draft a world class Offshore Banking law that is second to none. Offshore banks will complement Palau’s Corporate Registry Law leading the way to make Palau the International Finance Center of the Pacific.


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    Palau Residents: Will Offshore Banking Assist You With Getting Organized for 2012 and Onward?

    Why think about Offshore Banking in Palau?  We are experiencing a perilous age.  It's quite probable the coming months shall prove to be the most challenging and serious in our full history.  Our misguided leaders falter about expecting to "handle" crises meanwhile making circumstances deteriorate, fidgeting as the city falls.  The reality is, you cannot trust the "system" to care for your well-being.  You want to take the helm and protect your personal situation. Commence without delay by looking into Offshore Banking and Offshore Services.

    Offshore Banking and Offshore Services in Palau - How Will I Begin?

    The easiest tactic to perform this is to expand the most critical economic matters in your portfolio in a location other than your homeland.  This might contain elements such as Offshore Banking and manifesting Offshore Services, or studying and cultivating strategies to form your affairs more international in scope.  One approach comprises of transporting your residency "offshore".

    Be reluctant to permit yourself to continue being bossed around by administrative meddling, ineptitude and mismanagement.  Decide now to think and act in ways that keep secure ideals you have toiled persistently to attain won't become wasted or taken by persons who stoop to rule over you.  Learn more about Offshore Banking and Offshore Services in Palau.

    Taking responsibility for your destiny with this method is to affirm your privileges as a sovereign being, to make use of Offshore Banking and Offshore Services, and reject any other person's entitlement to, or rule over, your soul.  It's an assertion of autonomous freedom.

    Would you like to:

    • Accomplish dual citizenship and personal freedom?
    • Get away from the dictators & live life free of outside control?
    • Get more knowlege on Offshore Banking and Offshore Services?
    • Live a more stress-free, natural and thriving existence?
    • Boost your personal independence?
    • Profit from international investing and tax strategies?
    • Obtain details on second passports and living abroad?
    • Gain more privacy and self-confidence for yourself in Palau?
    • Be concerned no longer about dictators and clerks?
    • Take charge of your financial future?

    Assuming your answer is "absolutely" to several of the aforementioned, and subjects like Offshore Banking and Offshore Services interest you, then I call you to shift your standpoint and investigate the opportunities described in my no obligation 7 piece e-program - The 7 Steps To Freedom - which outlines a preamble to the offshore arena and how you can gain from it.  In addition I will give you a no-cost copy of my fascinating 23 page e-report - The Sovereign Matrix - inside I describe the 7 thought-control procedures that are purposed to restrict the people, and expose a terrific strategy that will provide you with the knowledge you to enter into a new-found universe of independence and success and Offshore Banking in Palau or wherever you want to be.

    If you are looking for approaches to guard your property and to put in the effort to be positive your rights are not bankrupted by corrupted "dictators", if you are keen on Offshore Banking and Offshore Services, then I suggest for you to shift your perspective and learn the facts and strategies discussed throughout my 7 Steps To Freedom e-Class to discover more about Offshore Banking in Palau (amongst other subjects). Also you may click straight to my Sovereign Life members website and arrange admission to reports concerning terms similar to Offshore Services and Offshore Banking and lots of others.

    The 7 Steps To Freedom e-Program gives a foreword to the ideas of Offshore Banking and Offshore Services, and introduces significant information you must have on this list of focal topics:

    • How to pronounce your individual self-determination
    • How to shield your wealth via offshore banking
    • How to get gold & silver to shelter against currency fluctuation
    • How to shelter your assets via an offshore financial structure
    • How to grow your funds by doing business offshore
    • How to expand your liberty through a totally relocatable enterprise
    • How to attain second nationality or second citizenship used for "self preservation"

    Start Right Away Studying Up On Offshore Banking from Right Where You Are in Palau

    You're only a motion away from an absolutely different way of evaluating the system - realizing how Offshore Banking and Offshore Services shall certainly increase your individual independence and sovereign wealth in Palau, and open the door to a major change in your future direction. Therefore don't wait, choose the link underneath this article to acquire my zero cost 7 Steps To Freedom e-Lesson right away. Your future could count on it!

    NEW - Special Lifetime Membership Pricing Now Available - Please Click Here.

    P.S. After you've opted in to my E-course, you will also get a no-cost edition of my exceptional commentary - The Offshore Banking Alert: The 10 Things You Really Need to Know Before Opening an Offshore Bank Account. Establishing an offshore bank account is the primary step for this autonomy path to Offshore Banking and Offshore Services - my commentary relates all the essential ideas you need to stay interested in.



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