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Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China◎DoD(2013.05)http://www.defense.gov/pubs/2013_China_Report_FINAL.pdf?utm_content=buffera9f38&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer



THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (PRC) continues to pursue a long-term, comprehensive military modernization program designed to improve the capacity of its armed forces to fight and win short-duration, high-intensity regional military conflict.  Preparing for potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait appears to remain the principal focus and primary driver of China’s military investment.  However, as China’s interests have grown and as it has gained greater influence in the international system, its military modernization has also become increasingly focused on investments in military capabilities to conduct a wider range of missions beyond its immediate territorial concerns, including counter-piracy, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief, and regional military operations.  Some of these missions and capabilities can address international security challenges, while others could serve more narrowly-defined PRC interests and objectives, including advancing territorial claims and building influence abroad.

To support the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) expanding set of roles and missions, China’s leaders in 2012 sustained investment in advanced short- and medium-range conventional ballistic missiles, land-attack and anti-ship cruise missiles, counter-space weapons, and military cyberspace capabilities that appear designed to enable anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) missions (what PLA strategists refer to as “counter-intervention operations”).  The PLA also continued to improve capabilities in nuclear deterrence and long-range conventional strike; advanced fighter aircraft; limited regional power projection, with the commissioning of China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning; integrated air defenses; undersea warfare; improved command and control; and more sophisticated training and exercises across China’s air, naval, and land forces.

During their January 2011 summit, U.S. President Barack Obama and then-PRC President Hu Jintao jointly affirmed that a “healthy, stable, and reliable military-to-military relationship is an essential part of [their] shared vision for a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive U.S.-China relationship.” Within that framework, the U.S. Department of Defense seeks to build a military-to-military relationship with China that is sustained and substantive, while encouraging China to cooperate with the United States, our allies and partners, and the greater international community in the delivery of public goods.  As the United States builds a stronger foundation for a military-to-military relationship with China, it also will continue to monitor China’s evolving military strategy, doctrine, and force development and encourage China to be more transparent about its military modernization program.  In concert with its allies and partners, the United States will continue adapting its forces, posture, and operational concepts to maintain a stable and secure Asia-Pacific security environment.



Territorial Disputes.  Senior Chinese officials have identified protecting China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as a “core interest” and all officials repeatedly state China’s opposition to and willingness to respond to actions it perceives as challenging this core interest.  In 2012, this was demonstrated by Chinese actions at Scarborough Reef in the South China Sea and the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.

The Chinese government maintains that its maritime rights extend to virtually the entire South China Sea and often illustrates this claim using a “nine-dash line” that encompasses much of the South China Sea area.  At the same time, Beijing is ambiguous about the precise meaning of the nine-dash line; to date, China has not clarified the meaning of the nine-dash line or its legal basis.  In April 2012, Chinese maritime law enforcement vessels and Philippine coast guard vessels engaged in a protracted standoff at Scarborough Reef, after the Philippine Navy attempted to conduct a fishing enforcement action against Chinese fishermen.



China and Taiwan have also undertaken some combined security and police operations, and held a combined maritime rescue exercise in August 2012 featuring two helicopters, 14 vessels, and 300 personnel, with both sides equally represented.  Also in August, Chinese and Taiwan police apprehended 30 suspects in a human-trafficking and prostitution ring – a first collaborative effort to combat human trafficking.

During a mid-October 2011 speech, President Ma stated that a cross-Strait peace agreement with China might be attainable in 10 years, but backed down immediately in the face of widespread negative public reaction and Ma specified the conditions under which he would pursue such an agreement.  Despite occasional signs of impatience, China appears content to respect Taiwan’s current approach to cross-Strait relations.  In November 2012, Xi Jinping, China’s newly selected general secretary of the CCP Central Committee sent a message to President Ma (in the latter’s capacity as chairman of the ruling Kuomintang Party), emphasizing the need to continue promoting the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.  This early message suggests that China under Xi Jinping may be willing to follow President Hu Jintao ’s multi-pronged strategy for developing cross-Strait relations rather than compelling unification through the use of force.   President Hu in his report to the 18th Party Congress in November 2012 used language that promoted peaceful reunification and called for both sides to explore political relations and make reasonable arrangements to discuss the creation of a military confidence-building mechanism.

[1]  http://news.xinhuanet.com/18cpcnc/2012-11/17/c_113711665_11.htm    accessed on 2013/05/08

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有美國運通卡的生日: (365天裡面,唯一有正當理由,可以不擇食的一日) 繼上一次用美國運通卡去住宿華國後,我才發現,過去我花錢去吃大餐,CP值太低了 這次會選台中的裕元花園酒店,也是個意外,但這個意外真的是令人滿意啊,以下一一道來. (以下照片是官方圖片)
下圖是馬克家後院的游泳池,雖然有段時間沒人住了,但水池內還是維持得很乾淨。 下圖中是後院的BBQ吧台,有點驚訝,特地用水泥做出一個烤肉吧台,馬克說這烤肉吧台很棒,看得出來以前他們常常在後院舉辦烤肉聚會,而這吧台裡面還有小冰箱勒,可惜已經壞了。 飯後吃到好久不見的幸運餅乾
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若只是要買我自己要穿的還簡單,但還要買親友的,就很麻煩,這麼大的Great Mall只有入口處有Wifi,所以我只能在那裡,可以用Wifi跟台灣的採購總指揮確認要買的東西,導致我必須走到店家去拍照,走回門口去傳圖確認無誤後,再回去購物。 檢視較大的地圖 下面這袋就是我快三的小時所買的一大袋衣服
This article records a detailed account of a 2013 summer trip to Edinburgh and Dublin, with a focus on various tours, accommodations, and experien....
布拉格:Prague(英語),Praha(捷克語)。 是捷克的首都和最大城市,布拉格是一座歐洲歷史名城與文化重鎮之一,也是著名的旅遊城市。
華人旅遊-金廈尊寵五星喜來登艾美米其林美食四日 松山-金門遠東航空-10:45起飛 + 金門-松山11:45回程 團費NT4,860+a. 兩地碼頭稅+清潔費、雜支1,900+小費共$800+c.  台胞證加簽NT$500元 基本總計:8060元 第一天 松山機場→金門→(搭船)廈門 →廈門博物館新
大姑姑の香酥豆干當天也會擺攤喔~ http://www.goodid.com.tw/2013donfun05.py 當天可參觀彌勒大佛喔~ 103年峨眉天恩彌勒大佛參觀(大自然文化世界) https://www.naturelovingwonderland.org/home_ct.php ※ 大自
櫻桃,李子,椰香,微青椒,酒精感稍重,草莓感重,一點胡椒,酸度中,甜,尾韻不太夠,微微苦 購入地點:橡木桶
有美國運通卡的生日: (365天裡面,唯一有正當理由,可以不擇食的一日) 繼上一次用美國運通卡去住宿華國後,我才發現,過去我花錢去吃大餐,CP值太低了 這次會選台中的裕元花園酒店,也是個意外,但這個意外真的是令人滿意啊,以下一一道來. (以下照片是官方圖片)
下圖是馬克家後院的游泳池,雖然有段時間沒人住了,但水池內還是維持得很乾淨。 下圖中是後院的BBQ吧台,有點驚訝,特地用水泥做出一個烤肉吧台,馬克說這烤肉吧台很棒,看得出來以前他們常常在後院舉辦烤肉聚會,而這吧台裡面還有小冰箱勒,可惜已經壞了。 飯後吃到好久不見的幸運餅乾
在這一趟行程中,我隨時保持警覺,MacBook隨時帶著,隨時應付五座山老板的問題,在工作上讓五座山老板滿意的狀態下,小弟在這趟出差中,過的真的是 吃香喝辣 房子裡面的環境,健身房,視聽室,超大的廚房,軟綿綿的地毯,對於美國居住的文化,感到相當不可思議的奢華。
若只是要買我自己要穿的還簡單,但還要買親友的,就很麻煩,這麼大的Great Mall只有入口處有Wifi,所以我只能在那裡,可以用Wifi跟台灣的採購總指揮確認要買的東西,導致我必須走到店家去拍照,走回門口去傳圖確認無誤後,再回去購物。 檢視較大的地圖 下面這袋就是我快三的小時所買的一大袋衣服