2011-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


    所謂的the US presence,分成 military presence civil presence。前者指的當然是軍隊與相關事物,後者則是指文民政府與人民的政經文事物。
    還記得去年秋天AIT在台南與高雄舉辦的「美國人在南台灣的足跡」展覽吧,這展覽擴充與改頭換面變成台北國家圖書館的「美國人在台灣的足跡」展覽,並延長了兩週。本部落格在北投埔前輩的幫助下加以追蹤。現在,不但「美國人在台灣的足跡」展覽已經到全台灣大都市巡迴,在台灣師範大學也舉辦了「描繪美國文化歷史圖像」展覽。這也是一種低調的the US civil presence。而civil presence,又比military presence更深一層。








    自從那時起,就有傳言說美國政府將核發旅行文件給「原台灣人」(people of Taiwan),而不是「在台灣的流亡中國人」(the people of Chinese on Taiwan)。同樣的沒有人知道會以何種型態來核發旅行文件給「原台灣人」。美國政府會抓住此次機會關閉AIT然後給「原台灣人」到美國的新的旅行文件嗎?


    American is always emphasized on looking thing at big picture, but not just each small piece.  On the contrary, we Taiwanese always see each information under microscope, but ignore whole picture.

    In 2009, several months before Typhoon Morakot causing catastrophic damage in the south Taiwan, there was rumor saying that the US military might be deployed to Taiwan, but no one knew how.  The Uncle Sam took chance of Typhoon Morakot to send military servicemen to Taiwan.  Even it was to deliver useless supplies by the US military Airplane from Okinawa to Tainan Airport, it was one symbol to tell the world that Taiwan is one territory under the US control.

    Since that time, there is rumor around saying that the US Government will provide traveling document without time limitation to the people of Taiwan, but not the people of Chinese on Taiwan.  No one knows how the US Government will issue this traveling document to the people of Taiwan.  Will the US Government take chance to close AIT to give the people of Taiwan new traveling document to the United States?  (eachouchen)




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