2010-06-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘



    Ma’s regime do cares the foreign exchange reserve, post deposit, sovereign wealth fund etc. Now Ma is trying to increase the limit of the allowable public debt. We know a famous journalist wrote an the article 財團守護神馬英九 黃創夏(2010.05.31 which accuses Ma adopted pro-consortium policies ever since his taking office. We, as a tax payer, have every reason to question him and his clans about the corruption. His whole families are almost citizen of other countries. What he sees future of Taiwan is definitely different from us people on Taiwan . Got to stop him NOW.

    Please remember the Dydings-MaDuffie Act of 1934.
    Section 2 (6)  “The public debt of the Philippine Islands and its subordinate branches shall not exceed limits now or hereafter fixed by the Congress of the United States; and no loans shall be contracted in foreign countries without the approval of the President of the United States.”

    Section 7 (2): “(2)  The President of the United States shall have authority to suspend the taking effect of or the operation of any law, contract, or executive order of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, which in his judgment will result in a failure of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands to fulfill its contracts, or to meet its bonded indebtedness and interest thereon or to provide for its sinking funds, or which seems likely to impair the reserves for the protection of the currency of the Philippine Islands, or which in his judgment will violate international obligations of the United States.

    Section 7 (4): (4)  The President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a United States High Commissioner to the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands who shall hold office at the pleasure of the President and until his successor is appointed and qualified. He shall be known as the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands . He shall be the representative of the President of the United States in the Philippine Islands and shall be recognized as such by the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, by the commanding officers of the military forces of the United States, and by all civil officials of the United States in the Philippine Islands. He shall have access to all records of the government or any subdivision thereof, and shall be furnished by the Chief Executive of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands with such information as he shall request.





    參酌日前財團守護神馬英九 黃創夏(2010.05.31一文,八八風災重建進度又緩慢。我們有理由質疑,高舉清廉,反貪腐恐是一種障眼法。加上,其家庭成員幾乎全是其他國家的公民。他與他們看台灣的未來,絕對和我們people on Taiwan不一樣。


    (6) 菲律賓群島以及其附屬機構之公共債務,不得超過目前,或此後美國國會所劃定之規模。同時,若無美國總統核准,不得與外國簽訂貸款契約。」,以及

    (2) 若美國總統判斷菲律賓自治國政府任何法律、契約或行政命令,或其施行將導致菲律賓自治國政府無法履行契約,或其擔保債務與其利息,或無法對償債基金提供擔保,或可能減損保障菲律賓自治國貨幣之儲備金,或將違反美國之國際義務,則美國總統有權擱置之

    若菲律賓自治國政府無法支付應支付之債券或其他償債基金或其利息,或無法履行任何契約, 美國高級專員應將事實報告總統,俾其指示高級專員接管關稅局並管理之,而將此收入用於支付逾期償債基金或履行前述契約。美國高級專員應每年或於總統要求 時,向總統與國會呈報官方報告。此人應隨時因總統就本條規定盡前述之額外義務與職權。


    公債上限不可輕言破壞 ●聯合社論(2010.06.02




    既然公債是個當代人與未來子孫之間的借貸契約,照理說,舉債額度、舉債上限這一類的政策,都該由當代與未來公民共同討論決定。但由於許多未來子孫目前尚未出生,故若單純由當代人以國會多數決定未來子孫的負擔,顯然是一種跨代之間的不公平。如果當代人不充分顧及子孫福祉而濫行發債,則等於是把自己的幸福建立 在子孫的痛苦上,這不但在哲學意義上不公不義,在心態上更是自私自利







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