2010-05-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

東京請求台北重劃ADIZ ●ICRT(2010.05.28)

    Some KMT lawmakers claim to reject Japan ’s request of redrawing ADIZ? The defense of Taiwan is in fact a part of the US-Japan security. And the latter is a part of USPACOM and the US global defense program. KMT lawmakers have guts. Let’s wait and see…


    MOFA confirms Japan's re-drawing of its ADIZ

    外交部已經確認東京請求進行重新繪製其防空識別區(Air Defense Identification Zone)。
    此舉將使日本的防空識別區包括位於台灣的東海岸外 108公里的所有的與那國島嶼。
    西部海岸其傳統上為台灣防空的管轄下(under the jurisdiction of Taiwan's air defense program)。


    Subject: MOFA confirms Japan's re-drawing of its ADIZ
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    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed a request by Tokyo to re-draw its Air Defense Identification Zone.
    The move will see Japan 's A-D-I-Z re-drawn to cover all of Yonaguni lsland - which sits 108-kilometers from Taiwan 's east coast.
    The western coast of which has traditionally fallen under the jurisdiction of Taiwan 's air defense program.
    According to the Ministry of National Defense ... Taiwan 's safety and national interests will not be compromised by the move.
    However ... several K-M-T lawmaker are demanding Taipei refuse Tokyo's request to re-draw the Air Defense Identification Zone .saying the move does compromise Taiwan's national defense needs.


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