歌詞裡,顯而易「聞」在跟這家南非連鎖速食炸雞店... (圖片來源)
歌名《Mphe Di Hoenor》源自Sesotho(塞索托語,南非十一個官方語言之一),意指向某人或某物致敬。這個音樂影片和歌詞從頭到尾完全符合,就算聽眾聽不懂歌詞裡的塞索托語和英文也能完全跟著影片意會歌曲內容。
影片主角見到家中沒吃的,出外覓食決定買一桶炸雞,未料炸雞買了卻遇有人搶食,於是歌手唱到這首歌的寓意是-別單獨出外覓食。歌曲除了融合語言和人種,卻也暗諷南非的治安。但請千萬別誤會,南非的治安當然沒差到連一桶炸雞都有生命安全。但南非社會有一種可悲的現象是,別人既然犯我,我就轉身加諸在別人身上,這種低道德行為也是歌曲要點出的吧。一首唱炸雞店歌能有趣的、成功的真實呈現南非現今多種社會現象,Robbie Wessels不愧為以創作詼諧歌曲成名的本土歌手。
Robbie Wessels本人就是音樂影片裡的主角,雖然實際年齡大玖壹壹成員十歲,但外表年齡感覺差很多吧。所以這篇文的寓意是-我們台灣本土歌手帥多了!
Robbie Wessels簡介
Robbie Wessels YouTube官網
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The current use of terms like 'very Taiwanese' or 'Taiwanese style' is clearly emerging as a distinct trend, reflecting a different facet of Taiwanese pride. It is similar to how I've been captivated by 911's songs for a while now, I thoroughly enjoy listening to the genre of music like 'Local' while jogging or driving.
South Africa also has its own native pride.
Once during a vacation, we took a four-hour drive to visit Bloemfontein, which is about four hours away from Johannesburg. After sitting in the car for nearly four hours, a sense of weariness started to creep in. Even Spotify, with its repetitive music in the same genre, provided no solace. At that moment, Mr. Z switched to a local radio station, and the song emanated from the radio.
Did the inclusion of the rooster crow at the very beginning of the song make you wonder like the rest of us?-What on earth are we listening to? As the car traveled along a road stretching for miles without a single house in sight, not a soul to be seen, the intrusion of this song served as a vivid reminder that we were undeniably journeying through the land of South Africa.
"In the lyrics, it is unmistakably evident that there is a connection with this South African chain of fast-food fried chicken restaurants..." (Source of the picture)
"...and this chairn of fast-food restaurant. However, the lyrics do not use the term 'KFC' but instead employ the South African colloquialism 'Kentucky,' as is customary among South Africans."
The title 'Mphe Di Hoenor' originates from Sesotho (one of South Africa's eleven official languages) and signifies a tribute to someone or something. This music video and lyrics are in perfect alignment from start to finish, allowing even those who do not understand the Sesotho and English in the lyrics to fully grasp the essence of the song through the visuals."
The lead role of the video, upon finding no food at home, decided to go out and grab a bucket of fried chicken. Unexpectedly, upon buying the chicken, he encountered someone attempting to steal his meal. This leads the singer to convey the “moral” of the song - 'Don't go out for a take-away alone.' The song not only blends languages and races but also subtly alludes to the security situation in South Africa. However, please do not misunderstand; the security situation in South Africa is certainly not dire enough to jeopardize the safety of a bucket of fried chicken. In addition, there's a sad phenomenon in South African society where if someone wrongs you, you retaliate against someone else, highlighting a moral dilemma that the song aims to present. It's truly remarkable how a song about a fried chicken shop manages to humorously and successfully depict various societal aspects of present-day South Africa. Robbie Wessels, a local artist known for creating witty songs, lives up to his reputation.
Robbie Wessels himself plays the lead role in the music video. Although in reality, he's a decade older than members of 911, he appears to look significantly older. Hence, the “moral” of this article is - our local Taiwanese singers are much more handsome!