2023-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

Shiba Inu 柴犬的自我介紹


    Shiba Inu: Hi there! I'm an adorable Shiba Inu with short legs and a variety of coat colors. I come from Japan and am considered one of the country's national treasures. Despite my small size, I'm full of energy, enjoy playing, and participating in various activities. I'm independent and intelligent, though sometimes a bit stubborn. I'm very loyal to my family and make a lovely companion.



    1. Adorable 可愛的
    • Definition: Inspiring great affection or delight; charming.
    • Word Root: From the Latin word "adorabilis," meaning "worthy of adoration."
    • Related Words: cute, charming, endearing, lovable
    • Collocations: an adorable puppy, an adorable smile
    • Example Sentence: The kittens were so adorable that everyone wanted to take them home. (這些小貓咪太可愛了,每個人都想把它們帶回家。)

    1. Coat 毛皮
    • Definition: The natural covering of fur, hair, or wool on an animal's body.
    • Word Root: Derived from the Old English word "cote," meaning "outer garment."
    • Related Words: fur, fur coat, hair, wool
    • Collocations: a fluffy coat, a sleek coat
    • Example Sentence: The dog's coat was shiny and well-groomed. (這隻狗的毛皮又亮又整潔。)

    1. National Treasure 國寶
    • Definition: An object, artwork, or historical artifact that is considered valuable and culturally significant to a nation.
    • Related Words: cultural heritage, priceless artifact
    • Collocations: a national treasure museum, protect national treasures
    • Example Sentence: The ancient scroll was designated as a national treasure due to its historical significance. (這幅古老的捲軸因其歷史意義被指定為國寶。)

    1. Independent 獨立的
    • Definition: Able to take care of oneself; not relying on others for support.
    • Word Root: From the Latin word "independens," meaning "not hanging down."
    • Related Words: self-reliant, autonomous, self-sufficient
    • Collocations: an independent person, an independent decision
    • Example Sentence: As a teenager, she wanted to prove her independence by living on her own. (作為一名十幾歲的少女,她想證明自己的獨立性,自己住在外面。)

    1. Stubborn 固執的
    • Definition: Unwilling to change one's mind or behavior; obstinate.
    • Related Words: obstinate, inflexible, resolute
    • Collocations: a stubborn attitude, a stubborn refusal
    • Example Sentence: Despite their efforts to convince him, he remained stubborn and refused to listen. (儘管他們努力說服他,他仍然固執,拒絕聽取建議。)

    1. Loyal 忠誠的
    • Definition: Faithful and devoted in allegiance to someone or something.
    • Related Words: faithful, devoted, true-hearted
    • Collocations: a loyal friend, loyal support
    • Example Sentence: The dog's loyalty to its owner was unwavering, showing love and devotion every day. (這隻狗對主人的忠誠是堅定的,每天都表現出愛與奉獻。)

    1. Companion 伴侶
    • Definition: A person or animal with whom one spends time or shares experiences.
    • Word Root: From the Latin word "companionem," meaning "one who eats bread with another."
    • Related Words: partner, friend, mate
    • Collocations: a loyal companion, travel companion
    • Example Sentence: The cat became a cherished companion, providing comfort and companionship to its owner. (這隻貓成了受珍愛的伴侶,為主人提供舒適和陪伴。)
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