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人間盛行快時尚, 天空也有快藝術, 換展速度神速, 每分每秒都不同。

In the realm of humanity, fast fashion prevails, while in the heavens, rapid artistry unfolds.

Change happens quickly, making every moment unique.


Fast fashion

Definition (定義):

  • English: "Fast fashion" is a term used to describe a business model in the fashion industry that involves the rapid production of inexpensive, trendy clothing to meet consumer demand. This often results in frequent turnover of clothing styles, short production cycles, and low prices.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "快速時尚",是一個用來描述時尚產業中的一種商業模式的詞語,它涉及快速生產便宜、時尚的服裝以滿足消費者需求。這通常導致服裝風格的頻繁更替、生產周期短和價格低廉。

Related Terms (相關術語):

  • English: Fashion industry, trendy clothing, disposable fashion, fashion trends
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 时尚產業,时尚服装,一次性时尚,时尚潮流

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: Fast fashion brands are known for quickly producing affordable clothing inspired by current runway trends. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 快速時尚品牌以迅速生產受當季時裝秀潮流啟發的價格實惠服裝而聞名。
  2. English: Critics argue that the fast fashion industry contributes to environmental issues due to its high production volume and frequent disposal of clothing. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 批評者認為,快速時尚產業由於生產量大且服裝頻繁被丟棄,對環境造成了問題。
  3. English: Fast fashion has reshaped consumer behavior, with people often buying more clothing but wearing each item for a shorter period. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 快速時尚已經重新塑造了消費者行為,人們通常購買更多的服裝,但每件服裝的使用周期較短。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Prevail" is a verb that means to be widespread, dominant, or commonly accepted in a particular situation or context. It indicates that a certain condition, belief, or phenomenon is prevalent or holds sway.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "盛行",是一個動詞,指的是在特定情境或背景下普遍存在、佔主導地位或被普遍接受。它表示某種狀況、信仰或現象普遍存在或占主導地位。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Dominates, rules, predominates, prevails over, conquers
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 支配,統治,佔主導地位,優越,征服

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: The belief in equality prevails in modern democratic societies. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 在現代民主社會中,平等的信仰盛行。
  2. English: Despite the challenges, the spirit of resilience prevails among the community members. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 儘管面臨挑戰,社區成員中的韌性精神仍然盛行。
  3. English: In this region, traditional customs and practices still prevail despite the influence of modernization. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 在這個地區,儘管現代化的影響,傳統習俗和實踐仍然盛行。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Artistry" is a noun that refers to the skill, creativity, and craftsmanship involved in creating or performing art. It emphasizes the artistic talent and expertise that an individual possesses in a particular form of artistic expression.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "藝術才華",是一個名詞,指的是創作或表演藝術中涉及的技能、創意和工藝。它強調了一個個體在特定藝術表達形式中擁有的藝術才華和專業知識。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Artistic skill, creativity, craftsmanship, talent, mastery
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 藝術技巧,創意,工藝,才華,精通

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: Her artistry in painting is evident in the intricate details and vivid colors of her works. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她在繪畫方面的藝術才華表現在她作品中精緻的細節和鮮艷的色彩中。
  2. English: The ballet dancer's artistry on stage left the audience in awe of her grace and skill. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 芭蕾舞者在舞台上的藝術表現使觀眾對她的優雅和技巧讚嘆不已。
  3. English: The artistry of the musician is evident in the emotional depth of their compositions. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 音樂家的藝術才華體現在他們作品的情感深度中。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Unfold" is a verb that means to open or spread out something that was folded or closed. It can also refer to the gradual revelation or development of events, information, or a story.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "展開",是一個動詞,指的是打開或展開原本摺疊或關閉的東西。它也可以指事件、信息或故事的逐漸揭示或發展。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Unfurl, expand, reveal, develop, disclose
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 展開,擴展,揭示,發展,披露

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: She carefully unfolded the old map to see the detailed markings of the ancient city. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她小心地展開了舊地圖,以查看古城的詳細標誌。
  2. English: The story of their journey gradually unfolded as they shared their experiences along the way. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他們在旅途中分享經歷,故事逐漸展開。
  3. English: The detective worked tirelessly to unfold the mystery and uncover the truth. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 這名偵探不知疲倦地工作,揭示神秘並揭露真相。
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Artistic的沙龍 的其他內容
The sky is an art gallery that you can enter at any time.
天空的藝術作品,是上天送給繁忙的人們的一份慰藉。 The artwork of the sky is a consolation sent by heaven to busy people. Definition (定義): English: "Consolation" i
How It Looks: It has a long black bill that's flat and wide at the end, looking like a spoon's tip. Most of its feathers are white, and it also has
Hi there! I'm the Akita Inu. I come from Japan and I'm part of an ancient and classy group of dogs.
Hello there! I'm a Poodle, also known as a Teddy Bear dog, and I'm a beloved small breed.
Hello! I'm the Chow Chow, also known as the Lion Dog. I come from northern China and I'm one of the oldest dog breeds.
The sky is an art gallery that you can enter at any time.
天空的藝術作品,是上天送給繁忙的人們的一份慰藉。 The artwork of the sky is a consolation sent by heaven to busy people. Definition (定義): English: "Consolation" i
How It Looks: It has a long black bill that's flat and wide at the end, looking like a spoon's tip. Most of its feathers are white, and it also has
Hi there! I'm the Akita Inu. I come from Japan and I'm part of an ancient and classy group of dogs.
Hello there! I'm a Poodle, also known as a Teddy Bear dog, and I'm a beloved small breed.
Hello! I'm the Chow Chow, also known as the Lion Dog. I come from northern China and I'm one of the oldest dog breeds.
Google News 追蹤
現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
✨快時尚(Fast Fashion)的迅速崛起,讓人們以低廉的價格輕鬆緊跟潮流,改變了全球時尚產業。然而,這種便捷背後卻伴隨著巨大的環境成本,從高污染的生產到大量資源的浪費,再到不可分解的廢棄物,快時尚正對地球構成嚴重威脅。面對頻繁的極端氣候與環境危機,我們需要重新審視這種消費模式,思考如何平衡時尚
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現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
✨快時尚(Fast Fashion)的迅速崛起,讓人們以低廉的價格輕鬆緊跟潮流,改變了全球時尚產業。然而,這種便捷背後卻伴隨著巨大的環境成本,從高污染的生產到大量資源的浪費,再到不可分解的廢棄物,快時尚正對地球構成嚴重威脅。面對頻繁的極端氣候與環境危機,我們需要重新審視這種消費模式,思考如何平衡時尚
Cross-Industry Collaborations: Taiwan's Fashion Brands Embrace Innovation Taiwan's local fashion brands are increasingly turning to cross-industry co
什麼是時髦經濟呢?近幾年的時尚趨勢總是繞著永續概念,同時強調要展現個人風格。擁有故事感、獨一無二特性的Vintage二手精品時尚因而順理成章成為實踐永續理念的一種選擇。而說到二手時尚,你也許會直覺想到市面上一間間獨立的二手服飾店,但其實台灣也有自己的轉售平台- PopChill...