辦理簽證申請表要先進到的頁面,右上角選自己看得懂的語言(我選英文),國家選Taiwan,底下就會只有一個Polish Office in Taipei可以選。
待在超過91天以上,選『National Visa- Register form』,如果是90天內,印象中台灣是有免簽的~
🔸一些特殊符號 e.g. +, (,)等等不能填寫
閱讀完,填寫驗證碼之後,就可以預約日期啦~~ (每週ㄧ、三早上)
📌Personal data:
Surname (s) (family name(s)):姓(同護照)
Surname (s) at birth (previously used surname (s)):之前的姓,沒改過就同1.
First name(s):名(同護照),護照上的名中間有一槓的話記得也要畫上去(e.g Pei”-“Lin)~ 沒畫的話會當場會再要求補上去。
Date of birth (year-month-day):出生年月日
Place of birth:出生地(同護照,記得寫跟護照寫一樣的,之前去補件有1~2左右當場需要修改)
Country of birth:出生國家(同護照
Current nationality/ies:現在的國籍
Original nationality (nationality at birth):出生的國籍
Martial status:婚姻狀況
National identity number:填身分證字號
📌Passport data
12. Type of travel document:學生簽證選Ordinary passport
13. Number of travel document:填上護照號碼
14. Date of issue (year-month-day):同護照發照年月日
15. Valid until (year-month-day):同護照過期年月日
16. Issued by:同護照發行機構
10. In the case of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority/legal guardian:如果是未成年人,這邊要填上法定代理人/爸媽的資料。成年的話就勾選do not apply。
17. Applicant’s home address and e-mail address:申請人地址跟e-mail(去郵局找中翻英,還可以一起看郵遞區號)
Country: Taiwan
State/ Province:州或省。 我填桃園
Postal: 郵遞區號
Address: 其他街道、幾號幾樓幾巷的資料
Phone area code: 我寫+886 Phone number: 可以聯絡的上的電話號碼
18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality:現在是否居住在跟目前國籍不同的國家,我沒有所以寫NO,如果有的人應該手邊會有相關資料
19. Current occupation:現在的職業。
有很多可以選,學生身份就選有一個『Student, Trainee』
20. Employer and employer’s address and phone number. For students, name and address of school:
21. Main purpose(s) of the journey: 旅程的主要目的。學生簽證當然是選『Study』囉!
📌Details regarding travel arrangements.
22. Destination country (已預設好波蘭)
23. Member State of first entry:第一個進入的申根/歐盟國家(會有選項可以選,依照機票轉機的地區填寫,如果轉機的地點沒有在選單上,就直接填選Poland)
24. Number of entries requested:入境次數。
我選『Multiple entries』這樣就可以多次來回去成員國玩,如果選Single就只能入境一次哦,可以自己選擇。
25. Duration of stay: 預計會待的總天數。
29. Intended date of arrival to the Republic of Poland (year-month-day):預計抵達波蘭時間
30. Intended date of departure from the Republic of Poland (year-month-day):預計離開波蘭時間
26. National visas issued during the past five years:過去五年內有沒有拿過長期簽證。沒有填無,有就在填入開始與結束日期
27. Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa:先前是否申請申根簽證而被搜集指紋。
📌Data of receiving person
31, 32. Surname and first name of the inviting person(s) in the the Republic of Poland. If not applicable, name of hotel(s) or temporary accommodation(s) in the the Republic of Poland. 邀請申請人至波蘭的資訊;如果不適用,請填入居住/暫時居住地方的資訊。(這邊我覺得翻得有點怪😂不過應該就是要在波蘭那邊的資訊,確保自己是有申請大學、雇主或是居住的地方等等)
33. Cost of travelling and living during the applicant’s stay is covered: 去波蘭的這段時間誰付錢
Means of support during your stay: 去波蘭的這段期間是用什麼方式支付費用。底下有很多選項,可以複選,我是選現金跟信用卡。
EU citizen data 歐盟公民的資訊
34. Personal data of the EU or EEA citizen you depend on. This question should be answered only by family members of EU or EEA citizens. 如果家庭成員是 EU, EEA等國家的公民需要填寫他們的個人資料。沒有的話,就選Does not apply。