更新於 2024/11/08閱讀時間約 3 分鐘


十進位轉二進位(Decimal to Binary)

let dec = 813
let bin = String(dec, radix: 2)
print(bin) // "1100101101"

十進位轉八進位(Decimal to Octal)

let dec = 813
let oct = String(dec, radix: 8)
print(oct) // "1455"

十進位轉十六進位(Decimal to Hexadecimal)

let dec = 813
let hex = String(dec, radix: 16)
print(hex) // "32d"

二進位轉八進位(Binary to Octal)

let bin = "1100101101"
let oct = String(Int(bin, radix: 2)!, radix: 8)
print(oct) // "1455"

二進位轉十進位(Binary to Decimal)

let bin = "1100101101"
let dec = Int(bin, radix: 2)!
print(dec) // 813

二進位轉十六進位(Binary to Hexadecimal)

let bin = "1100101101"
let hex = String(Int(bin, radix: 2)!, radix: 16)
print(hex) // "32d"

八進位轉二進位(Octal to Binary)

let oct = "1455"
let bin = String(Int(oct, radix: 8)!, radix: 2)
print(bin) // "1100101101"

八進位轉十進位(Octal to Decimal)

let oct = "1455"
let dec = Int(oct, radix: 8)!
print(dec) // 813

八進位轉十六進位(Octal to Hexadecimal)

let oct = "1455"
let hex = String(Int(oct, radix: 8)!, radix: 16)
print(hex) // "32d"

十六進位轉二進位(Hexadecimal to Binary)

let hex = "32d"
let bin = String(Int(hex, radix: 16)!, radix: 2)
print(bin) // "1100101101"

十六進位轉八進位(Hexadecimal to Octal)

let hex = "32d"
let oct = String(Int(hex, radix: 16)!, radix: 8)
print(oct) // "1455"

十六進位轉十進位(Hexadecimal to Decimal)

let hex = "32d"
let dec = Int(hex, radix: 16)!
print(dec) // "813"

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