2023-11-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

TAIPEI GaySpa review -- Prince SPA Luke

Title: Prince SPA Review - Meet Luke, the Ultimate Masseur


Website: [Prince SPA]( https://www.princespa.net/project01)


Establishment: Prince SPA

Masseur: Luke

Masseur's Role in this Session: TOP

Appearance Rating (0-10): 9 - Handsome, with a mysterious vibe.

Physique Rating (0-10): 9 - Extremely well-built physique.

Acupressure Rating (0-10): 8 - Years of technical expertise.

Oil Pressure Rating (0-10): 9 - Full of sensuality.

Cooperation Level (0-10): 10 - High level of coordination.

Boyfriend Material (0-10): 8 - A masseur who is very charming and makes hearts flutter.


With qualities like being assertive, having a great physique, a substantial package, and handsome looks, encountering someone with all these traits in a gay SPA is like finding a 200% perfect gay crush. Occasionally, in gay SPAs, you can come across truly outstanding masseurs, and for those looking for some excitement, today, we introduce a master who is absolutely worth every penny.


Luke looks even better in person than in photos, with fully developed muscular contours and a magnetic, manly voice. It's quite exhilarating! Usually, you might not expect these eye-catching guys to give an excellent massage, but as soon as Luke starts, you'll realize he's a pro. Whether it's the strength of his touch or precision in targeting pressure points, he operates at the level of an advanced massage therapist, and the acupressure session in the first half of the massage just melts away all tension.


Given the proficiency of a masseur like Luke, you can be sure that the conversation and interaction won't disappoint. With smooth massage techniques and engaging discussions on various topics, the first half of the acupressure session ends without you even noticing.


Of course, for those of us who are more adventurous (like the writer, presumably a Bottom), the real enjoyment comes in the second half of the interactive experience. It's a gentle reminder that when you encounter a skilled masseur, opting for a Thai massage is a must. After all, these masseurs are here to earn a living, and if you want premium service, be prepared to pay a little extra.


Honestly, a masseur like Luke, when transitioning to the Thai massage stage, is irresistible. Just seeing those exaggerated muscle lines, veins filled with blood, the confident gaze, and that weapon that can easily break through the second gate will surely make you succumb. Haha.


This is not a sponsored post. Friends who have experienced his services will attest to the authenticity of this review. With the mindset of sharing good things with good friends, it's worth mentioning this hidden gem of a masseur. For those who have been feeling stifled due to the pandemic, consider treating yourself to this delightful experience.

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