Ferris wheels are popular and beloved by everyone from small

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Ferris wheels are popular and beloved by everyone from small to big attraction. Children sitting in baskets are lifted high into the sky by an enormous wheel. The first Ferris wheel, named after its American inventor, Gale Ferris, turned 130 years old in 2023. The Ferris wheel was seen and ridden by people visiting the world’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. It was 250 feet of diameter, which was six times taller than any wheel at that time. It took 20 minutes for that wheel to turn around once. Thrill seekers paid 50 cents to take a ride. Today, Ferris wheels are still the centerpiece of any amusement park. Children and adults alike love the view from the top and the scary sensation of dropping back to earth. To celebrate the Ferris wheel’s 130th birthday, the Illinois State Fair plans to erect another wheel, making a number of 13 wheels being set up in one location.



Ferris wheels are popular and beloved by everyone from small to big attraction.


Children sitting in baskets are lifted high into the sky by an enormous wheel.


The first Ferris wheel, named after its American inventor, Gale Ferris, turned 130 years old in 2023.


The Ferris wheel was seen and ridden by people visiting the world’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago.


It was 250 feet of diameter, which was six times taller than any wheel at that time.


It took 20 minutes for that wheel to turn around once.


Thrill seekers paid 50 cents to take a ride.


Today, Ferris wheels are still the centerpiece of any amusement park.


Children and adults alike love the view from the top and the scary sensation of dropping back to earth.


To celebrate the Ferris wheel’s 130th birthday, the Illinois State Fair plans to erect another wheel, making a number of 13 wheels being set up in one location.


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8:43[hb5] 有 一 個 女 人 、 患 了 十 二 年 的 血 漏 、 在 醫 生 手 裡 花 盡 了 他 一 切 養 生 的 、 並 沒 有 一 人 能 醫 好 他 .   [kjv] And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, w
請分析以下句子 根據五大句型 以及各種子句文法盡量詳細說明 Children sitting in baskets are lifted high into the sky by an enormous wheel. 這句話 "Children sitting in baskets are l
"Condition"、"state" 和 "situation" 這三個詞在英語中都可以用來描述事物或事件的狀況,但它們在用法上有些細微的差別。 1. Condition (條件/狀況) "Condition" 通常指的是物體或人的身體狀況、情況或者環境的品質。它也可以指出一個過程需要遵守
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當然可以。以下是將答案代入空格後的文段,並進行中英對照翻譯: Ferris wheels are popular and beloved by everyone from small to big attraction. Children sitting in baskets are lift
說起迪士尼樂園 大家一定覺得那是小朋友的世界,其實你知道嗎,對於65歲的我們來說,還是可以在迪士尼找到屬於我們的一片天地。我們的體力可以嗎?那些遊戲我們適合嗎?吃飯怎麼解決?還有最困擾我們的上洗手間方便嗎?
摩天輪在 1893 年發明,經歷了 130 年仍屹立不倒,爾後仍有很多新的摩天輪會興建,它代表了城市的魅力,歡樂的象徵。 很多未來派電影、又或者是近代的戰爭電影,都喜愛在破瓦頹垣中,背後加上了龐大殘破的摩天輪骨架,去突顯了萬家歡樂與家破人亡的極端比對。 現代的摩天輪美輪美奐,也是很多
當然可以。以下是將答案代入空格後的文段,並進行中英對照翻譯: Ferris wheels are popular and beloved by everyone from small to big attraction. Children sitting in baskets are lift