2024-04-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘

Dr Richie Chan 陳肖龍醫生

    Dr Richie Chan 陳肖龍醫生


    Specialist in Plastic Surgery

    English, Cantonese, Mandarin

    MBBS (HK); MMedSc (HK); MS (HK); FCSHK; FHKAM (Surgery)

    Dr. Chan received his medical degree, masterate, and doctorate degrees at The University of Hong Kong. He completed his plastic surgery training in Queen Mary Hospital and subsequently worked as an academic surgeon in HKU. He gained further overseas training in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Sydney, Seoul, and Taipei.He joined the private practice in 2018 and is currently an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong and an Honorary Associate Consultant in Queen Mary Hospital and Tung Wah Hospital.Dr. Chan performs a wide range of reconstructive and aesthetic surgeries, non-surgical aesthetic medicine. He is also a keen researcher with over 20 papers in top international medical journals. He is the Director (Asia) of Sir Charles Bell Society and member / fellow to 11 other professional societies. Dr Chan is also serve as an editor and reviewer for multiple international scholarly journals.

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