2024-04-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

2.1 多簽錢包

    address public owners:

    uint public numConfirmationsRequired

    event transactionsubmitted

    event TransactionConfirmed

    event transactionExecuted


    for loop

    function submitTransaction

    function confirmTransaction

    function executeTransaction

    function isTransactionConfirmed

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

    contract MultiSig {
    address[] public owners; // the people who control this smart contract
    uint public numConfirmationsRequired; // how many people voted for this tx

    struct Transaction{
    address to; // the address of the person we care sending ether to
    uint value; // the amount of value we will be sending
    bool executed; // whether the transaction is success or not
    // neseted mapping
    mapping(uint=>mapping(address=>bool)) isConfirmed;
    Transaction[] public transactions;

    event TransactionSubmitted(uint transactionId,address sender, address receiver, uint amount);
    event TransactionConfirmed(uint transactionId);
    event TransactionExecuted(uint transactionId);
    constructor(address[] memory _owners,uint _numConfirmationsRequired){ // the person who sign this tx
    require(_owners.length>1, "Owners Required[Must Be Greater than 1"); // owners should be greater than 1 person
    require(_numConfirmationsRequired>0 && numConfirmationsRequired<=_owners.length,"Num of confirmation are not in sync with the number of owners"); // make sure the voted person qty is align with

    for(uint i=0;i<_owners.length;i++){
    require(_owners[i]!=address(0), "Invalid Owner");

    function submitTransaction(address _to) public payable {
    require(_to!=address(0),"Invalid Receiver's Address");
    require(msg.value>0,"Transfer Amount Must Be Greater Than 0");
    uint transactionId = transactions.length;
    emit TransactionSubmitted(transactionId,msg.sender,_to,msg.value);

    function confirmTransaction(uint _transactionId) public{
    require(_transactionId<transactions.length, "Invalid Transaction Id");
    require(!isConfirmed[_transactionId][msg.sender], "Transaction Is Already Confirmed By The Owner");
    emit TransactionConfirmed(_transactionId);

    function executeTransaction(uint _transactionId) public payable{
    require(_transactionId<transactions.length, "Invalid Transaction Id");
    require(!transactions[_transactionId].executed,"Transaction is already executed");
    // transaction[_transactionId].executed=true;
    (bool success,)=transactions[_transactionId].to.call{value: transactions[_transactionId].value}("")
    require(success,"Transaction Execution Failed");
    emit TransactionExecuted(_transactionId);

    function isTransactionConfirmed(uint _transactionId) public view returns(bool){
    require(_transactionId<transactions.length, "Invalid Transaction Id");
    uint confirmationCount;//initially zero

    for(uint i=0; i<owners.length;i++){
    return confirmationCount>=numConfirmationsRequired;


    1. Building a Multisignature Wallet using Solidity | Code Eater - Blockchain | English, Code Eater Web3, May 10, 2023
    2. What is Multisig Technology? The Federalist Society, Jun 28, 2017
    3. What is a multi-sig wallet?, Technest, Mar 12, 2021
    4. Memo Notepad
    5. explore 5fire network dashboard

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