2024-06-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘

《只有影子在動》Only the Shadows Move

(非競賽影片 Out of Competition) 香港 Hong Kong ︳2023︳25 分鐘 min 粵語、德語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese and German with Chinese and English subtitles 彩色 Colour ︳DCP

柏林和香港的雙城對照,看似相隔萬里,但只要善於藏形匿影,其實似遠還近。香港年輕劇場導演 Kevin 和隊友集思廣益,構思下一部舞台劇意念,希望將來得到贊助到外國演出。居於柏林的中年髮型師 Frank 機緣巧合下透過手機程式認識了 Kevin,二人分享生活日常,彼此探索進一步的可能。Kevin 決定以柏林圍牆為題,透過 Frank 鉤沉並搬演昔日東德時期的監控生活。影片跨地拍攝,以劇場元素、酷兒身份交接兩地的社會文化脈絡,佈局層層套疊,誘導、跟蹤、竊取,恍若貼身追擊,果真如影隨形。

Kevin, a young theatre director from Hong Kong, is searching for ideas for his next play with his team, hoping to get funding for an overseas production. Frank, a middle-aged hairdresser in Berlin, is performing his daily routine. Coincidences bring them together, though their friendship is dictated by the parameters of the smartphone. Kevin decides to adapt the stories of the Berlin Wall to the stage, as old memories of living in East Berlin come flooding back to Frank. Shadows, in their literal and metaphorical sense, become the third wheel which silently alters their lives and turns into a story that transcends the boundaries of reason. Through this experimental work, director Terence LI sheds light on the inner space-time of the queer and the displaced.

Director:Terence Li Screenplay: Terence Li

Producers: Vitor Bunkenberg, Hu Yat-lam

Cinematographers: Kitty Yeung, Rose Ng, Cemil Sorgun

Original Music: Jonathan Ng

Main Cast: Marcus Meyer, Tsang Man Kin Anderson

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