每日英語 #064: The Challenges of Modern Actors in Period Movies

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The Challenges of Modern Actors in Period Movies

Many actors have changed their appearance dramatically for a “role” (acting part). Some lose a lot of weight, while others “buff up” (make their muscles larger). Some wear “prosthetics,” such as false noses, teeth, and hair. But what if the role “calls for” (requires) a more “fundamental” (basic or deep) change than an actor can’t achieve? That’s the problem “casting directors” (people who select actors for parts in TV shows and movies) have when casting for “period movies” (movies set in the past).

許多演員為了一個“角色” (演出角色) 徹底改變了他們的外貌。有些人減掉了很多體重,而有些人則“鍛鍊肌肉” (使他們的肌肉變大)。有些人戴上了“義肢” (例如假鼻子、假牙和假髮)。但如果角色“要求” (需要) 一個演員無法達到的更“基本” (基本或深層) 的改變呢?這就是“選角導演” (選擇電視節目和電影角色的人) 在為“時代電影” (以過去為背景的電影) 選角時遇到的問題。

At the 2012 Academy Awards, which are awards given out to the best films each year, two period films were “nominated” (eligible to win): Lincoln and Les Miserable. Both films were period movies and called for period “authenticity" (realness; seeming true).

在2012年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,每年頒發給最佳電影的獎項中,有兩部時代電影被“提名” (有資格獲獎):《林肯》和《悲慘世界》。這兩部電影都是時代電影,要求有時代的“真實性” (真實感;看起來真實)。

In the film Lincoln, the “lead” or main actor, Daniel Day-Lewis, looks and sounds like the American image of President Lincoln. To achieve this, he wore make-up, hair pieces, and period clothing. He even used clothing and make-up to “cover up” (hide) “tattoos” (permanent ink writing or drawings under the skin) on his hands and arms. However, there was one thing he could not hide, even with make-up: his “pierced ears” (holes in his earlobes used to wear earrings).

在《林肯》這部電影中,主演丹尼爾·戴-劉易斯看起來和聽起來像美國人心目中的林肯總統。為了達到這一點,他戴上了化妝品、假髮和時代服裝。他甚至用衣服和化妝來“遮蓋” (隱藏) 他手和手臂上的“紋身” (皮膚下的永久墨水書寫或繪畫)。然而,有一件事他即使化妝也無法隱藏:他的“穿孔耳朵” (用來戴耳環的耳垂上的洞)。

Les Miserable “posed” (provided) a major challenge to casting directors. The story, based on a Victor Hugo novel, takes place in 19th century France and many scenes involve “street urchins” (poor young children living on the streets) and “waifs” (homeless and helpless people, usually girls and young women). With better “nutrition” (more and better food for the body), “dentistry” (healthcare for teeth and the mouth), “fitness regimens” (exercise habits), and even “plastic surgery” (medical procedures to change the way one looks), finding actors who looked “starved” (thin from hunger) and “neglected” (not cared for) was difficult. One of the lead actors, Anne Hathaway, played a starving woman in the film. She lost 25 pounds (11 kilograms) to play the role, but in one scene, she shakes out her long, shiny, healthy hair that may be more appropriate in a shampoo commercial.

《悲慘世界》給選角導演“帶來了” (提供了) 巨大的挑戰。這個故事根據維克多·雨果的小說改編,發生在19世紀的法國,許多場景涉及“街頭頑童” (生活在街頭的貧困小孩) 和“流浪兒童” (無家可歸且無助的人,通常是女孩和年輕女性)。隨著“營養” (更多和更好的食物)、“牙科” (牙齒和口腔的醫療保健)、“健身方案” (運動習慣) 甚至“整形手術” (改變外貌的醫療手術) 的改善,找到看起來“飢餓” (因饑餓而消瘦) 和“被忽視” (未被照顧) 的演員變得困難。主演之一安妮·海瑟薇在片中扮演一個飢餓的女人。為了這個角色,她減掉了25磅 (11公斤),但在一個場景中,她甩動她那長長的、有光澤的健康頭髮,看起來更適合洗髮水廣告。


  • Role [roʊl] 角色
  • Buff up [bʌf ʌp] 鍛鍊肌肉
  • Prosthetics [prɑsˈθɛtɪks] 義肢
  • Calls for [kɔlz fɔr] 需要
  • Fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəl] 基本的
  • Casting directors [ˈkæstɪŋ dəˈrɛktərz] 選角導演
  • Period movies [ˈpɪriəd ˈmuviz] 時代電影
  • Authenticity [ɔːˌθɛnˈtɪsɪti] 真實性
  • Lead [lid] 主演
  • Cover up [ˈkʌvər ʌp] 遮蓋
  • Tattoos [tæˈtuːz] 紋身
  • Pierced ears [pɪrst ɪrz] 穿孔耳朵
  • Posed [poʊzd] 提供
  • Street urchins [striːt ˈɜːrʧɪnz] 街頭頑童
  • Waifs [weɪfs] 流浪兒童
  • Nutrition [nuˈtrɪʃən] 營養
  • Dentistry [ˈdɛntɪstri] 牙科
  • Fitness regimens [ˈfɪtnəs ˈrɛʤəmɪnz] 健身方案
  • Plastic surgery [ˈplæstɪk ˈsɜrʤəri] 整形手術
  • Starved [stɑrvd] 飢餓的
  • Neglected [nəˈɡlɛktɪd] 被忽視的
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