2024-08-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

文法分析 - Object pronouns - 4

例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill)

文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge)

抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses with one or two pronouns. Be sure to identifiy the correct construction of the verb.

  1. Ils sont trop égoïstes pour se soucier des problèmes des autres.

(= They are too selfish to care about other people's problems.)

正確答案:Ne t'y appuie pas.

OR: Ne t'appuie pas dessus.

錯誤示範:Ils sont trop égoïstes pour en se soucier.


  1. objects of prepositions other than à and de
  2. prepositions + inanimate object


  1. identify what preposition is used in the sentence: pour

= preposition other than à and de

Unlike à and de, pour cannot be replaced by a pronoun directly. It must remain in the sentence. In this case, you cannot use any pronouns at all to replace the infinitive clause (se soucier des problèmes des autres).

Thus, modification of sentence structure by changing the main verb is necessary.

S'appuyer à (to lean to) is adopted in the modal answer.

So now the sentence is as below:

Ne t'appuie pas aux problèmes des autres. (= Don't lean to other people's problems)
OR: Ne t'appuie pas dessus problèmes des autres. (= Don't lean on other people's problems.
  1. recognize the preposition used in the new sentence: à/dessus
  2. recognize the nature of words that follows the preposition: noun
pattern: à + noun

When you recognise the pattern of à + thing, y is used to replace them.

Ne t'y appuie pas.

It is a different story for the alternative answer. The pattern is like this:

OR: dessus + noun
  1. When dessus is followed by inanimate object, no pronoun is used and nothing is added at the end of the sentence. The sentence ends with the preposition. Y will not be used here.
Ne t'appuie pas dessus.

To sum up, when doing this type of question, you need to identify the preposition first to see if the main verb has to be changed. After selecting an appropriate verb, think of the preposition and the nature of things followed for choosing a relevant pronoun. Be careful on the word order and the end of the sentence.

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