2024-10-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘


Dockworkers walked out of every major port on the US East and Gulf coasts for the first time in nearly 50 years, staging a strike that could ripple across the world’s largest economy and cause political turmoil just weeks before the presidential election. The 36 affected ports have the combined capacity to handle as much as half of all US trade volumes. The International Longshoremen’s Association is seeking higher wages and a rollback of the language on automation in a six-year contract that expired at midnight. Union leader Harold Daggett has for months threatened a strike starting on Oct. 1 if no deal is reached before the deadline. US President Joe Biden, who often touts his pro-union bona fides, has said the dispute is a matter for collective bargaining and that he wouldn’t invoke his authority to order dockworkers back to the ports while negotiations continue. (美國東岸與墨西哥灣沿岸的每個主要港口的碼頭工人走出工作崗位,進行近50年來首次的大罷工,這場罷工可能會波及全球最大的經濟體,並在總統大選前的數週內引發政治動盪。此次受影響的36個港口的總處理能力可達全美貿易量的一半。國際碼頭工人協會(International Longshoremen’s Association)正在尋求更高的工資,以及在一份於午夜到期的六年契約中取消自動化相關的條款。工會領袖Harold Daggett已威脅數月,若在最後期限前未能達成協議,將於10月1日發動罷工。美國總統拜登經常強調自己挺工會的立場,他表示此爭端應由集體談判解決,並稱他不會在談判期間行使權力命令碼頭工人返回港口工作。)


① dockworker碼頭工人

② walk out走出去,罷工;(因憤怒或反對而)退場退席

③ stage a strike發動罷工

④ ripple起漣漪;此起彼伏;湧動

⑤ political turmoil政治動盪

⑥ affected port受影響的港口

⑦ the combined capacity總容量

⑧ handle處理

⑨ all US trade volumes全美貿易量

⑩ shore(海、湖或大河的)濱,岸

⑪ association協會

⑫ rollback效力削減(回退,倒退);(程序,版本)回滾到之前的狀態

⑬ a rollback of the language on automation取消自動化相關的條款

⑭ contract契約

(15) expire到期

(16) tout宣傳;吹捧

(17) pro-union 支持工會

(18) bona fides【拉】誠意;善意

(19) dispute爭端

(20) collective bargaining集體談判

(21) invoke his authority行使權力



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