更新於 2024/12/11閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

學測倒數:挑戰「4500 單」- 跟著瑞昇讀懂 Fox News (美國修法)

1 "Three federal agencies work together to throttle tens of thousands of new housing units every year."

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • federal (adj) 聯邦的 (L3)

relating to the central government of a country

    • agency (CN) 機構 (L3)

an organization or business that provides a service

    • throttle (vt) 抑制 (L6)

to suppress or control severely

    • housing (UN) 住宅 (L4)

buildings for people to live in

    • unit (CN) 單位 (L3)

a single thing, person, or group

2 "The result of that enormous ball of red tape is a vast housing shortage and enormous obstacles to the extraction of energy from the ground."

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • result (CN) 結果 (L3)

an outcome or consequence

    • enormous (adj) 巨大的 (L4)

very large in size or amount

    • shortage (CN) 短缺 (L3)

a state of not having enough of something

    • obstacle (CN) 障礙 (L4)

something that blocks progress

    • energy (UN) 能源 (L3)

the power to do work or cause change

    • extraction (UN) 開採 (L6)

the act of removing something, especially using effort or force

3 "Laymen should be asking 'But what about the poor endangered species?' and 'Who will keep the water clean?'"

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • layman (CN) 普通人 (L6)

a person without professional or specialized knowledge

    • endangered (adj) 瀕危的 (L4)

at risk of extinction

    • species (CN) 物種 (L4)

a group of living organisms sharing common traits

    • clean (adj) 乾淨的 (L3)

free from dirt, marks, or pollutants

4 "Both paths—the regulatory and the statutory—should be pursued, but the key truth is that there is no reason that the dysfunctional laws Congress passed 50-plus years ago cannot be repealed or amended by this new Congress."

瑞昇指路:用到的學測 4500 單 (L: level)

    • regulatory (adj) 監管的 (L6)

relating to rules and regulations

    • statutory (adj) 法規的 (L6)

required or permitted by law

    • pursue (vt) 追求 (L3)

to follow or seek after

    • repeal (vt) 廢除 (L6)

to revoke or annul a law

    • amend (vt) 修改 (L6)

to make changes to a law




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