fate (CN) 命運 (L4)
the future that someone or something will experience
argument (CN) 論點 (L4)
a reason or set of reasons given to support an idea or theory
shut down (phrasal verb) 關閉 (L3)
to stop operating or to close
platform (CN) 平台 (L4)
a system or service used to share information or conduct activities
deadline (CN) 截止日期 (L4)
the latest time by which something must be finished or completed
cite (vt) 引用 (L4)
to refer to or mention something as an example
concern (UN) 疑慮 (L3)
a matter or issue that makes you worried
influence (vt) 影響 (L4)
to have an effect on someone or something
potential (adj) 潛在的 (L4)
having the capacity to develop into something in the future
expedite (vt) 加速 (L6)
to make a process happen faster
case (CN) 案件 (L3)
a legal matter that is being considered or dealt with
complicated (adj) 複雜的 (L4)
involving many parts or aspects
pit (vt) 對立 (L6)
to place against one another
engage (vt) 參與 (L5)
to involve someone in something
discourse (CN) 論述 (L6)
communication or debate about a topic
uphold (vt) 支持 (L6)
to maintain or support a decision or law
narrow (adj) 範圍小而精準的 (L4)
limited in extent or scope
grounds (CN, usu. pl.) 理由 (L5)
a reason or cause for something
defend (vt) 辯護 (L4)
to argue in support of something
authority (CN) 權限 (L4)
the power or right to give orders, make decisions, or enforce laws
regulate (vt) 規範 (L4)
to control or supervise something through rules
entity (CN) 實體 (L5)
an organization or company
pose (vi) 造成 (L4)
to present or create a risk or problem
Source: TikTok’s Fate Arrives at the Supreme Court - TIME
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