
更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
  1. Excuse me, can I get some water? 不好意思,可以幫我拿些水嗎?
  2. Excuse me, can I get a to-go box? 不好意思,可以幫我拿個打包盒嗎?
  3. Excuse me, can I get a meau?
  4. Excuse me, can I gat a dessert menu?
  5. Excuse me, can I get a drink menu?
  6. Excuse me, this steak is undercooked. 不好意思,這牛排沒熟
  7. Excuse me, this burger is undercooked.
  8. Excuse me, this fish is burnt. 不好意思,這魚焦掉了
  9. Excuse me, this bacon is burnt.
  10. Excuse me, this fish is too oily. 不好意思,這魚太油了
  11. Excuse me, this pasta is too salty.
  12. Excuse me, this curry is too spicy.
  13. Excuse me, this cake is too sweet.
奈特王的宇宙教室 的其他內容
Could you hold the onions,please? 請不要放洋蔥,可以嗎? Could you hold the cilantro, please? 請不要放香菜,可以嗎? Could you hold the spicy peppers, please? 請不要放辣椒,可以嗎
I'm getting hungry! 我開始餓了! What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什麼? I'm in the mood for hot pot. 我想吃火鍋 This ramen place is the bomb. 這家拉麵店爆好吃! bomb(b不發
I live near a 7-11. 我住在7-11附近 I live next to a Family Mart. 我住在全家旁邊 I live next to a Sephora. 我住在絲芙蘭旁邊(法國連鎖化妝品店) I live near a Watson. 我住在屈臣氏附近 I
I'm a hairstylist at a salon. 我是美髮沙龍的髮型設計師 I'm a barber at a barbershop. 我是理髮店的理髮師 a barber 指較平價,剪男性短髮為主的理髮師 a hairsylist 指收費較高,做各種髮型的造型設計師 I'm a
I'm excited about learning English. I'm crazy about singing karaoke. 我對唱卡拉OK感到著迷 He's bummed about missing the trip. 他對錯過旅行感到失望 I'm afraid of swimm
I'm good at taking pictures. I'm good at taking selfies. 我擅長自拍 I'm bad at cooking. I'm bad at singing. I'm bad at taking selfies. I'm decent at b
Could you hold the onions,please? 請不要放洋蔥,可以嗎? Could you hold the cilantro, please? 請不要放香菜,可以嗎? Could you hold the spicy peppers, please? 請不要放辣椒,可以嗎
I'm getting hungry! 我開始餓了! What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什麼? I'm in the mood for hot pot. 我想吃火鍋 This ramen place is the bomb. 這家拉麵店爆好吃! bomb(b不發
I live near a 7-11. 我住在7-11附近 I live next to a Family Mart. 我住在全家旁邊 I live next to a Sephora. 我住在絲芙蘭旁邊(法國連鎖化妝品店) I live near a Watson. 我住在屈臣氏附近 I
I'm a hairstylist at a salon. 我是美髮沙龍的髮型設計師 I'm a barber at a barbershop. 我是理髮店的理髮師 a barber 指較平價,剪男性短髮為主的理髮師 a hairsylist 指收費較高,做各種髮型的造型設計師 I'm a
I'm excited about learning English. I'm crazy about singing karaoke. 我對唱卡拉OK感到著迷 He's bummed about missing the trip. 他對錯過旅行感到失望 I'm afraid of swimm
I'm good at taking pictures. I'm good at taking selfies. 我擅長自拍 I'm bad at cooking. I'm bad at singing. I'm bad at taking selfies. I'm decent at b
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上班日又不想上班,✍ 愛我所畫,夢我所愛 圖。文/布恣芽朵
我可以告訴你這裡, 水如何豐沛,風如何張揚, 買東西有多划算, 保證讓你物超所值, 料理有多美味, 只是聞著就挪不開腳步, 即便我的言詞足夠讓你動心, 一度勾起你的慾望, 你還是可以強忍下來, 因為 我無論如何沒辦法向你說, 這裡的本質與全貌, 除非你真的來到這裡, 成為當
上班日又不想上班,✍ 愛我所畫,夢我所愛 圖。文/布恣芽朵
我可以告訴你這裡, 水如何豐沛,風如何張揚, 買東西有多划算, 保證讓你物超所值, 料理有多美味, 只是聞著就挪不開腳步, 即便我的言詞足夠讓你動心, 一度勾起你的慾望, 你還是可以強忍下來, 因為 我無論如何沒辦法向你說, 這裡的本質與全貌, 除非你真的來到這裡, 成為當