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AI 與 法律的交會 : 遊蕩在國際及領域的行者


這是一個專注於 AI 法律新知資料法 發展的沙龍,探索並記錄當代法律領域中快速變化的科技議題。沙龍將持續更新以下幾大重點:

  1. AI 法律趨勢與規範發展
    • 隨著人工智能技術的加速發展,相關的法律框架也不斷演進。我們將分享來自全球各地的最新法律動態、政府政策、以及對AI使用的法律規範。
    • 探討AI倫理與責任歸屬問題,並分析AI在司法系統中的應用與挑戰。
  2. 資料法律的進程與未來展望
    • 資料隱私與保護法的發展趨勢,解讀例如歐盟《通用資料保護規則》(GDPR)等重要法規的影響。
    • 數據跨境傳輸中的法律爭議,以及資料保護與技術創新的平衡點。
  3. 個人的研究與見解分享
    • 定期分享個人在AI與資料法領域的研究進展與洞見,包括人工智能對法律職業的影響、新興的資料監管趨勢等。
    • 針對現行法規進行深度分析,並提出未來的法律改革建議,以應對AI和數據技術的進步。


This is a salon focused on AI law updates and the development of data law, exploring and documenting the rapidly evolving technological issues in the field of contemporary law. The salon will continually update the following key topics:

AI Legal Trends and Regulatory Developments: With the acceleration of AI technology, related legal frameworks are also evolving. We will share the latest legal developments, government policies, and regulations on AI use from around the world. We will explore AI ethics, accountability, and analyze AI applications and challenges within the judicial system.

The Progress and Future Outlook of Data Law: We will track trends in data privacy and protection law, interpreting the impact of important regulations such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will discuss legal disputes surrounding cross-border data transfers and the balance between data protection and technological innovation.

Personal Research and Insights Sharing: We will regularly share personal research progress and insights in the field of AI and data law, including the impact of AI on the legal profession and emerging trends in data regulation. In-depth analysis of current regulations will be provided, along with suggestions for future legal reforms to address the advancements in AI and data technology.

Through this salon, you will gain the latest knowledge on AI law and understand how data protection law is tackling future challenges. If you have any thoughts or questions about these topics, feel free to leave a comment or message us privately. Let’s discuss how to shape a responsible and sustainable legal framework in this rapidly changing digital era.

victor kao
victor kao
victor kao
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